
This Artist Makes Bulgarian Streets More Amusing With Googly Eyes

Street artist Vanyu Krastev has a knack for staring googly eye opportunities in just about any area. Under his hand that is skilled cartoon faces emerge from sidewalks that are crumbling and trash heaps. He calls it “Eyebombing.”

Should you’ve ever walked the streets of Bulgaria, then you certainly understand what Krastev is operating with€” broken grates, cracked poles, and overlooked trashcans. If you aren’t looking for the silver lining walking down the street may be pretty grim.

But that is where Krastev’s obsession with googly eyes comes in. Thanks to his seemingly limitless supply of the plastic eyes, walking through the streets of Bulgaria is a scavenger hunt for hidden faces.

No matter how disgusting or damaged the thing, everything seems better with eyes.

“Eyebombing problems the types of the exterior atmosphere so that we can look on the planet around us in another way,” Krastev claims of his function. “We want to encourage enormous eyes every where it’s going to bring a smile to individuals in a bland program.”

Follow the Eyebombing here.

h/t The Poke