Nate Zeman about himself:
” I spent the first 23 years of my life living in the midwest – Wisconsin to be precise. From a young age I learned to appreciate the natural world. Family camping trips and adventures to the boundary waters of Minnesota are among just a few of the wonderful memories I have of home that instilled a sense of wonder in me that I haven’t lost to this day. Five years ago I moved to Breckenridge, Colorado with no real idea of what I wanted to do with my life. I’d always had an interest in photography. I had also always had an interest in nature. I eventually figured out that it would make sense to combine the two, and I was addicted right out of the gate. I dove into nature photography head first and haven’t looked back since. The more I see, the more obsessed I become with seeing what else is out there. There’s nothing I’d rather be doing. More than anything, I like to share my experiences with others through my images. My work has been published in magazines, greeting cards and calendars and they are all available on my website as exclusive limited edition fine art prints. “