
Chihuly’s Vivid Glass Sculptures Grow Up in the New York Botanical Garden

For over 45 years, contemporary art fans have been mesmerized by the glistening glass sculptures of artist Dale Chihuly. Using translucence that is ethereal and their brilliant colors, the awe-inspiring, large-scale pieces are especially beaming when installed outdoors. To present the pieces at their al fresco finest, the New York Botanical Garden has curated a special solo exhibit featuring over 20 Chihuly originals.

Simply titled CHIHULY, the exhibit follows the remarkable development of the famous artist. It includes a combination of the old and new, combining sculptures with more recent installations and the artist’s earlier drawings, including site-specific pieces made particularly for the botanical garden.

While the sculptures’ effect on their environment is a prevailing part of the garden exhibition, the effect on the sculptures of the environment is equally as dramatic. Each work of art’s aesthetic changes according to the time of year and also both time of day. In the day, the blown-glass pieces sparkle with the sun. By nighttime, the pieces glow with a luminescence that is artificial, culminating in a stunning display of color. Likewise, as the seasons—and, foliage and consequently, the weather —evolve, so does one’s comprehension of the sculptures, making this unique exhibit “a must-see through the changing seasons from spring through autumn.”

CHIHULY is the first New York-based, large-scale exhibition of its type in over a decade.