
Anna Paschenko

I am Anna Paschenko, 36 years old, was born in Ukraine, Kyiv city. 6 years ago, I completely changed the business I was in. Coincidentally or not, I got to the succulent fair and was completely fascinated by them. They are incredibly beautiful and refined, easy to care for and can be planted together and made into compositions. But it was a problem – I could not find the perfect, modern pots for them. So I decided to start making pots with my own hands. Glass and metal were in trend, so I really wanted to learn how to make florariums using stained glass technique. It all started at home in the kitchen after work;) The first small studio appeared 6 months later. We started making florariums, holding master classes with succulents. People were thrilled to be able to touch the living, make their own composition with plants and relax. Traveling a lot in nature, I am always amazed by its ideality and beauty, which I try to transfer to my works. So later new ideas appeared – frames with a herbarium and frames with sea waves. We always lack nature, so thanks to the products, we can add it to our home. Now “Roslynka” studio occupies 200 square meters, where we continue to teach people different techniques that we have mastered for 6 years, give the opportunity to relax in a creative atmosphere and never stop to grow.

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