I’ve been interested in light for as long as I can remember. Light is everywhere and it affects the world and our daily lives in many ways. I’m from Finland and here the autumns and the winters last long and these seasons are very dark. I wanted to teach myself to use light to be able to utilize the darkness that surrounds me during those seasons. That’s why I became who I am. A Light Artist. I have worked with light for around 17 years and I have generated over 2,000 projects on a leading role. I’ve worked with many historical castles and places and I’m specialized in working with these types of vulnerable sites. I have created light installations to several unique sites like UNESCO HQ, Stonehenge, Villa de Laak, Saana Mountain. I have worked both as a Technical and an Artistic Leader in several productions including festivals, operas, musicals, multi-art performances, and opening ceremonies. These projects have been executed on both, a national and international level. Light is a really powerful tool and I believe that we can draw focus to any site, city, or value using light art. My plan is to work on an unseen scale with unique sites and to push the limits of light art into new dimensions. This will create a new level of impact in raising awareness on many topics. My motto is: “Nothing is impossible; it is just a matter of deciding how much you want to use your energy towards achieving it”.
in Creators
Kari Kola