
Man Exceeds His Wife’s Anticipations When Asked to Take Photos of the Kids

In early 2015, he was given a request that was straightforward by Phillip Haumesser’s wife, Natasha. She desired him to shoot more photographs of the children. Like many parents, his wife and Haumesser captured special moments on their phones, but she needed more arty family photographs. Natasha purchased him a camera that could do exactly that.

Haumesser’s first foray into this photography didn’t go. He clarified, “The kids got bored instantly because Dad wanted to get them to model and sit still, something I discovered quickly that’s not the natural state for children 2 and under.”

From then on experience, Haumesser set down his camera to regroup. During his break, he came over the job of Lisa Holloway.

“ I became obsessed with what might be done with all the camera and Her photography was unbelievable,” Haumesser remembered. He pulled out his camera again and then began to study the art of photography.

“I determined we were just going to try and produce this fun and not care about how the photographs turned out, and when we got some great ones it will be a plus,” he declares. We did just that. I just allow the children begin playing in the barnyard with the creatures and together, sometimes I forget we are even taking pictures, subsequently I’ll simply step back and play I’d even get in there and snap some photos.”

The results reveal the carefree joy of childhood. Using soft, natural lighting and an up-close point of view, the world is shown by Haumesser from his kids’ degree. The youthful boys roam the family’s 10-acre farm using their stuffed animal companions and converse with all the inquisitive cows, geese, and chickens. They bathe in the sun that is radiant and get cozy in beds of leaves. Part nostalgia and component dreaminess, these photographs go above and beyond Natasha’s authentic request. “I found my alibi to understand photography, it’s spending time with my children,” Haumesser said. “And that’s now my most favorite thing to do! ”