
Banksy’s Latest Tag Appeared on one of the Busiest Streets in Manhattan

Authorities have yet to publish details surrounding Banksy‘s most up-to-date action: a rat, endlessly racing around a wheel (the clock in 14th street and 6th avenue, 101 west 14th street). You will always be a rat <3’ — ‘a short history of time-traveling to infinity #stephenhawking #rip #thanksbanksy’ — ‘it’s about time.’

People around the globe are learning about this new piece by Banksy now; lots of his fans are frustrated that they are not close enough to see him in person. Meanwhile, on 14th street, tens of thousands and tens of thousands will continue conducting their own race now — running to trains, continuously checking their phones for the time, counting the seconds tick down on the crosswalks — completely unaware that Banksy’s latest commentary is running together, moving nowhere, right above their bobbing heads.