
An Artist Turns Stones Into Wrinkled Fabrics

Designer José Manuel Castro López works with rocks both big and small to remodel exhausting surfaces into light fabric-like creases. Every sculpture begins as a daily piece of quartz or granite which he delicately grinds downward to disclose peculiar wrinkled shapes as if the stone had e’er existed this manner.

In accordance with the designer, stone, and its properties are sometimes mythologized in Galician civilization. Impressed past this, he finds that his piece of work is more than impacted past magic than method: “It’s not the sculptor who acts, however, the magician, the druid,” he tells The Creators Projection, “My human relationship with the stone is nonbodily, however magical. It acknowledges me, it obeys me…we perceive one another. My stones are not lifeless. They manifest themselves.”

You’ll be able to see much more than of his latest works in his gallery.