
Gus the Giant Gorilla Shows up at Broadgate as Part of Wild Life Exhibition

Marokka, the Anglo-Italian design house, has partnered with Broadgate and The Aspinall Foundation in an enjoyable, tech-inspired exhibition — WILD LIFE. The exhibition comprises Marokka’s first ever public art sculpture, Gus, a three-meter tall polygonal gorilla that’s their largest sculpture to date.

Gus is just one of a portfolio of sculptures, including the iconic Frank, the French Bulldog, goods of Marokka’s architectural and design heritage and their fascination with the architecture and geometry of all that encircles the each day.

Gus was unveiled in Finsbury Avenue Square, Broadgate included in WILD LIFE, an interactive exhibition combining physical and electronic sculpture. By minding Marokka’s free program, people can bring augmented reality cartoons into life, highlighting the plight of endangered animals around the globe and the unbelievable job of charity associate The Aspinall Foundation in protecting them.

Joe Cocozza, Commercial Director of Marokka, stated, “We relished the challenge of recreating one of our sculptures with this scale to get Broadgate, and utilizing AR technologies to boost the physical encounter. Gus functions as a design as a result of the magnificence of this gorilla as a creature, therefore it’s a privilege for us to associate with The Aspinall Foundation and help increase awareness of their excellent work.”

Gus will stay in situ during the London Design Festival before the 24 September, before being gifted to major animal conservation program, The Aspinall Foundation, which is dedicated to returning endangered and rare creatures to their natural habitats. Discover more in