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5 Key tips for Twitter growth

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Are you just starting your very own Twitter account and want to know what you can do to grow a following? Have you been stuck on the same follower count for ages and need a bit of advice on how to change this?

Social media is one of the biggest industries in the world, and it has only grown exponentially since the launch of Facebook in 2005. Since then, many other platforms have come a long way, and Twitter happens to be one of the most popular ones. 

Growing your follower count can be tricky, especially if you are starting from scratch, however, if you were using a growth service, you might have an easier time. If you need some help finding new ways to grow your Twitter following, here are a few tips and tricks that might help. 

Use a content calendar

As a business, or even as an individual on Twitter, if you are looking to grow your account, one of the most important things that you need to keep in mind is the consistency of your content. Research shows that the lifespan of a tweet is roughly 12 minutes, meaning that after 12 minutes, the chances of people seeing that tweet are slim. 

A way around this is to post regularly and often. This means that you need to be posting at the same time every day. These times should be when your target audience is most active on the platform in order to engage with you. 

It can be tricky to try and keep up with all of this, so a great way to keep track and know when to post, is by having a content calendar. A content calendar will allow for you to pre-plan your content ahead of time and just post when necessary. You will know exactly what to post when, and avoid double posting. This is a great way to keep consistency and flow. 

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Post photos

Although Twitter is mainly known as a microblogging style platform where you can post worded tweets with a specific character limit, it is so much more than this nowadays, and visuals are something that you should be paying attention to too. 

While worded tweets can hold a lot of information, visuals are far more captivating and enticing. By including images or other visuals in your content, people will be more likely to stop and have a look at it because of how eye-catching it is. 

If you do not use visuals in your content, you risk your content going unnoticed by so many people who might probably be interested in it. This is a very easy way to miss out on the loss of potential new followers and engagement. 

Get your hashtags ready

Next up we have hashtags. Everyone knows what a hashtag is by now, but a lot of people don’t actually know how to use them to grow their accounts. If you are trying to grow your Twitter account, you have to make use of hashtags in a correct and efficient manner, otherwise, they will be useless. 

When using hashtags in your content they need to be as relevant as possible to what you are posting in order to reach the right target audience and be posted within the right niche. It may be tempting to use the most popular hashtags you can find, but if you want to use popular hashtags, look within your niche to find the best-suited ones. 

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Interact often

Engagement is everything on a platform like Twitter. It is one of the best ways to be able to see how well your account is doing without having to focus on just your follower count which isn’t the best indication. Receiving engagement can be difficult as a small account, and if you are trying to grow, you need to be engaging with your audience too. 

Through the multiple channels of engagement that Twitter offers such as direct messaging, following, liking, sharing, and commenting, there are so many different ways in which you can reach the right audience and encourage people to engage back with you or even follow you, in turn, growing your account. 

Keep tweeting!

Lastly, as mentioned earlier, consistency is incredibly important to make your content noticeable and your account prominent and easy to see. This means that you should be posting as often as possible without it becoming overwhelming for either you or your audience. 

This is incredibly important to do as it is the best way to be seen and grow your audience quickly.