
Miriam Escofet

Miriam Escofet was born in 1967 in Barcelona and moved to the United Kingdom in 1979. She studied at Epsom School of Art and graduated in 3D Design from Brighton School of Art in 1991 and has been working as an artist ever since. Escofet is fluent in three languages; Spanish, Catalan, and English. She is the daughter of Jose Escofet. Since 2011 she has taught art and portrait painting classes at Central Saint Martin’s School of Art and Design in London and, since 2010, at Heatherleys School of Fine Art.[1][2] Her work is dedicated to her influences on the architecture of the classical, Gothic and renaissance period. She has become very known for her style of painting. She has exhibited widely in Europe. Her work has been selected for the BP Portrait Award exhibitions in 2009, 2010 and 2012 and for the Royal Society of Portrait Painters annual exhibition.Her artworks have featured in galleries such as Christopher Wood Gallery, Mallet of Bond Street, Rafael Vals, Duke Street, and the Albermarle Gallery. She has numerous of solo exhibitions as well. She is an associate member at the Royal Society of Portrait Painters.1 Escofet’s artwork become the cover of books, magazines, and flyers. Her artwork Order of Caryatids became the cover of Clavis Journal Volume 3 book.4 She has published two books with her father, Jose Escofet.

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