
high rise buildings near body of water during daytime

The city of Nanjing in China is the capital that takes its name from “Southern Capital”. It was first known as Nanking and then changed to Nationalist Government Administration after it fell under Japanese occupation during World War II. With Chinese Communist forces taking over, they renamed it back again with a modernized version: Jiangning or Southern Peasants’ Revolutionary Base Area Number One which covers most parts within this region now called Jiangsu Province along borders on Shandong Provice and Zhejiang Province.

Nanjing is also known as China’s “Hollywood” because it is the birthplace of the Chinese cinema industry and home to over thirty production companies and studios, like Shanghai and Beijing. It is even mentioned in a book entitled The Classic Screen: How we learned to love the movies by Tom Shales which is a collection of screen memories from the best stars and filmmakers.

The city is also home to “the Wall Street of the East” which is located in The Bund along Zhongshan Road. It became China’s financial center after moving there during World War I from Shanghai because it was far from Japan’s reach. In 2004, Nanjing was among the first cities to be included in The New York Times list of “52 places to go”. Nanjing has excellent rail and highway connections with Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou and many other regions in China.

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