Hello, and welcome to the world of CBD. This is your first time considering a purchase, so you’ve probably got a lot of questions. Is it legal? Does it get me high? Is it safe? These are among some of the most common questions that come about in new CBD users. In this guide, we’re going to answer some commonly asked questions about CBD and explain what the process of buying online for the first time will look like.
Avoid the confusion of pouring over thousands of search results by using this short guide to narrow down your options. We’ll explain what you should look for in a CBD tincture or brand and how to narrow down the right products for your specific needs.
You Won’t Get Arrested
Yes, hemp and marijuana are both strains of Cannabis, and both contain CBD and CBD. And yes, both were illegal for nearly five decades in the US, but hemp and CBD have recently (in 2018) been decriminalized and removed from the list of controlled substances.

This is because hemp contains very low amounts of THC (less than 0.3% according to federal guidelines) and CBD doesn’t produce impairment or a “high” like THC does. So, you won’t get in any trouble buying CBD oil online. Just be sure you’re not getting “full-spectrum” oils, as these contain the full spectrum of cannabinoids found in Cannabis, including THC.
Not All CBD Is Equal
Before you buy your CBD oil, you must understand that not all CBD is created equal. The quality standards of CBD oil, its added ingredients, the extraction process, and even the hemp it’s extracted from will vary from brand to brand. You’ll want to pay close attention to certain factors in your CBD brand before you commit to buying to be certain you’re getting the best value and quality.
Organically-Grown Hemp
The hemp from which CBD is extracted should be organic for the best quality. This is because organically-grown crops follow much more strict guidelines, and, since hemp is what’s known as a “hyperaccumulator”, the soil conditions should be of a certain quality before crops are grown.

Hemp absorbs what’s in the soil around it, including toxins and pollutants. If the farmer is spraying chemical fertilizers or pesticides on the crop, it’ll be absorbed by the adult hemp plants and thus make its way into your CBD oil eventually.
To become certified organic, a farm has to meet specific standards and follow federal guidelines to ensure the quality of the crop(s) being grown. You can find the requirements here: https://www.ams.usda.gov/services/organic-certification/becoming-certified
Extraction Process
There are several extraction methods in use today for CBD. The best among these is the C02 extraction method, which uses carbon dioxide heated to supercritical temperatures to create a solvent for extracting the CBD compound from organic hemp. This process creates the best and most potent yields, is cost-effective and safe, and much better for the environment than other methods.

When you’re considering using any of the new best CBD products, the extraction method does matter. The better the extraction method is, the more potent a product you’ll be getting, and the better value for your money. Don’t settle for anything less than the best when you’re buying CBD, so as not to have a sub-par experience.
Reviews Matter
When it comes to CBD oils and products, customer reviews matter. In fact, what the customer has to say should be one of the first things you look at on a CBD website. No one knows better than current or past users how well the CBD oil you’re looking at works. Trust the customer reviews to let you know how potent, affordable, and effective the CBD oil is.
Don’t discount the bad reviews, but don’t ignore them, either. Look for patterns and similar content, and read through them carefully. You can also check online publications that specialize in CBD to research the brand you’re looking at. It’s better to look at customer reviews first than to do no research at all!
Lab Testing Guarantees Great Value and Quality
Even if your CBD site has “organic hemp” and “CO2 extracted” plastered all over its site, if no one is testing these claims, they’re pretty much meaningless. With little regulation in the CBD space, brands can pretty much say what they want (within reason). Third-party lab testing proves whether or not the oil is potent, of the highest quality, and the best value for your money.

Unbiased testing is usually completed through a separate lab, though some CBD companies actually do their own in-house testing. Whether it’s in-house or third-party, always choose a brand that does some kind of testing on its products to ensure quality and potency.
You Won’t Have To Spend A Fortune
Many new CBD users assume that the best CBD oils and gummies are ultra-expensive luxury items that the average person couldn’t possibly afford to buy regularly. This, of course, is a falsehood, as CBD products are more affordable and abundant than ever. You can find CBD oil for around $40-$50, depending on the brand and the potency of the oil.

Of course, prices will vary across brands and you’ll need to do some comparisons, but you should have no trouble finding an affordable CBD oil for everyday use. There are, of course, more expensive oils available, but these usually contain much higher concentrations of CBD than their cheaper counterparts.
Remember that just because something is cheaper doesn’t mean it’s a better value. When you’re buying CBD oil, cheap can mean lower-quality, potency, etc. Be sure to research the brand and compare prices before committing to a purchase decision.
Final Thoughts
CBD is an amazing natural compound that provides so many benefits to people all over the country. The industry itself is booming, with growth projections looking quite promising for the next few years. If you’re interested in CBD oil, we hope this first-time buyer’s guide has helped answer some of your questions and clarify the CBD purchasing process. Good luck!