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5 Common Reasons Clients Switch Personal Injury Lawyers

Switching personal injury attorneys mid-way through your case is a big deal, especially if you have already started negotiations with other parties on your behalf. You might be dissatisfied with your current lawyer and found a more experienced, more reputable personal injury attorney who is confident in their ability to get the maximum compensation for you. Here’s everything you need to know about switching lawyers in a personal injury case.

Is It Easy To Switch Personal Injury Lawyers?

While changing may seem to be the only feasible option, it certainly isn’t an easy one. You should make the first choice wisely and patiently. However, if you want to change your lawyer, there is a legal process to be followed. If you have already filed a lawsuit, you must follow the process stated in the substitution of counsel. 

What’s that? Substitution of counsel involves sending a formal notice to the court and other parties when you change attorneys. 

However, it is easy to change lawyers if you haven’t formally filed a legal claim. There is no major process to follow, and your new lawyer may inform your previous counsel of your decision. Furthermore, your new lawyer may inform your insurer and any other associated legal parties of the change.

5 Common Reasons Clients Switch Personal Injury Lawyers

People may switch personal injury lawyers for a variety of reasons. They may feel something is wrong with how their case is being handled. Here are the 5 common causes clients transfer their personal injury lawyers.

1. A Lawyer Is Hard To Reach Or Unavailable On Calls

You may have a query, want to navigate through the legal process or simply want to talk to your lawyer at any point in your case. The best personal injury attorney will return your calls and emails quickly. However, if you have tried repeatedly to contact your personal injury attorney and they aren’t responding promptly, it may be time to consider switching your attorney.

2. You Disagree With The Lawyer’s Way Of Proceeding With Your Case

Most attorneys are knowledgeable at building your case on solid evidence and bringing your case to a successful finish. 

However, for various reasons, you might not agree with the steps your lawyer wants to take. While they may be correct in their selections, dismissing your sentiments may lead you to a bad communication zone. 

3. Your Lawyer Doesn’t Want To Explain The Details To You

A typical personal injury case can be complicated, and multiple parties could be liable. If you have never filed a personal injury claim before, you may not know your rights and obligations. PI lawyers must explain your case’s legal framework and action plan. If your attorney fails to do so and you have a problem understanding the process, it’s time to change your lawyer.

4. Your Partnership Is Strained

Your current attorney might be knowledgeable with a high success rate. However, their way of communicating and handling the case might not work for you. There’s always a possibility that a great lawyer might not be the one for you. Consider changing the lawyer if your conversation with them isn’t smooth. 

5. Your Lawyer Is Recommending A Quick Fix

Most clients don’t want to extend their personal injury claims as the legal process can be overwhelming. They try to settle the case sooner. However, a huge risk comes with a quick fix that may jeopardize your claim amount. Your attorney might use your desperation to settle the case and pressure you to reach an agreement. If you are eager to solve your case but dissatisfied with the settlement, you may change the lawyer.


People generally make informed decisions and don’t require to change their lawyers in the middle of legal proceedings. However, it might be worth switching to a better lawyer for your case if you’re unhappy with your current attorney or don’t think they’re looking out for your best interests.