If you ever decide to take a trip to Branson, Missouri, you will probably find out that it’s one of the most delightful vacation experiences you can have. Branson is a small town, but they love tourists. There are many hotels, motels, and cabins just waiting for you to rent them.
Branson welcomes families or single travelers, and there are tons of shows you can peruse while you’re there. You will find that the popular comedian Yakov Smirnoff has a residence there, and other shows feature magic acts, singing, and more.
Perhaps one of the more popular options, though, is Dolly Parton’s Stampede Dinner Show. It runs for about an hour and a half, and it’s one of the most captivating choices if you’re spending a few days in Branson. We’ll talk about some of the reasons why it’s such an enduring favorite right now.
The Whole Family Can Enjoy It
The Dolly Parton’s Stampede Dinner Show, much like all of Branson, is family-oriented. It’s a way for all your family members, young and old alike, to spend some time together in a wholesome setting.
If you have not spent so much time together in recent years, a show like this is a way you can reconnect. Maybe you work a lot, and the kids have school. It’s easy to become like strangers to one another if you don’t make an effort to spend time together.
You can do that at this show. It’s captivating enough to hold anyone’s attention, and you can make some great memories together when you go see it. You will undoubtedly look back on this night fondly in the years to come.
You Can Introduce Your Family to an Icon
Even though Dolly Parton is not actually in the show, her brand of enthusiasm and fun is all a part of the act. If you have some young kids who don’t know very much about Americana, you can introduce her to them through this experience.
You can explain to your kids that Dolly Parton is an icon in country music, pop, and bluegrass. Maybe you can play some of her music for your kids on the way to Branson so they can get an idea of who she is and some of her life’s details.
She is a singer, but also a songwriter, humanitarian, actress, and businesswoman. Your kids can learn a lot from her many accomplishments.

You Get Dinner as Part of the Show
You will also probably like the fact that you get a full meal as part of the show. That means you’ll feed the whole family as part of the ticket cost.
You can get rotisserie chicken, barbecued pork loin, and several side dishes. Dessert comes along with that as well. However, you can also go there if you have vegetarians in the family. The vegetarian meal comes with garden vegetable pasta, a biscuit, cheese cubes, and more.
Live Animals Are a Part of the Act
Maybe you have some kids in the family who love animals. If so, this show is for you. They will get a chance to see live buffalos and horses as part of the extravaganza.
The riders who work with these animals have trained them to do all kinds of amazing things. For instance, the horses leap through fiery hoops. That is sure to thrill your kids, though that’s far from the only trick they do. The show also features barrel racing, pig races, lumberjack relays, and more.

There’s a Gift Shop on the Premises
If your kids enjoy themselves, you might decide to get some souvenirs to take home. The gift shop on the premises has all kinds of options that should appropriately commemorate this trip and the special night you all shared.
If you don’t want to spend money in the gift shop, you might make lots of pictures instead. You can do that if you do not use any flash photography.
You can post the shots you and your kids take with your smartphones on social media. You can also save them to look at years down the line. Maybe one day, your kids will bring their own children to this show.
This fun experience waits for you in Branson, along with many other pleasant activities. If you have never been there before, this show epitomizes what this town is all about. That’s why Dolly Parton herself gives it her seal of approval.