
Ernest Cole’s Lens on America: Unveiling ‘The True America’

a woman holding a sign posing for the camera
  • Ernest Cole’s Vision: South African-born Ernest Cole captured the essence of apartheid and the Civil Rights Movement in the U.S., offering a rare, dual perspective.
  • Revolutionary Publication: His book, “The True America,” uncovers an array of American photographs, previously concealed from public view.
  • Cultural Intersection: Cole’s experiences under apartheid uniquely positioned him to document racial struggles in the U.S. with profound insight.
  • Historical Canvas: This collection chronicles pivotal moments in American history, especially around the era of Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination.
  • Rediscovered Gems: A significant find in Sweden in 2017 led to the recovery of over 60,000 of Cole’s negatives, paving the way for this landmark publication.

In 1940, a visionary was born in South Africa. Ernest Cole, destined to become a photographic legend, embarked on a journey that took him from the depths of apartheid’s despair to the tumultuous streets of America during the Civil Rights Movement.

Exile and New Beginnings

1966 marked a turning point for Cole. Forced to leave South Africa, he found solace and a new canvas for his work in New York. This city, buzzing with cultural shifts and political upheaval, became his new home.

a group of people standing in front of a crowd
Ernest Cole, Untitled, 1968–71; from Ernest Cole: The True America (Aperture, 2023). © 2023 Ernest Cole Family Trust

Capturing America’s Soul

The True America,” a meticulously curated collection, showcases Cole’s unique ability to capture the essence of an era. Through his lens, we see the echoes of apartheid’s pain in the struggles of the African American community.

Inside “The True America”

  • Period: The book traverses the critical years from 1968 to 1971.
  • Visual Narrative: Over 260 images, a mix of vibrant color and stark black-and-white, bring to life scenes of protest, daily struggles, and fleeting moments of joy.
  • Deeper Understanding: Accompanied by insights from James Sanders and Leslie M. Wilson, and an introduction by Raoul Peck, the book offers a comprehensive look at Cole’s vision.
Ernest Cole, Untitled, 1968–71; from Ernest Cole: The True America (Aperture, 2023). © 2023 Ernest Cole Family Trust

A Lost Legacy Found

The serendipitous discovery of Cole’s negatives in Sweden breathed new life into his legacy. “The True America” is not just a compilation of photographs; it is a resurrection of a voice that almost faded into obscurity.


Ernest Cole’s work in “The True America” is a poignant reminder of the power of photography in capturing and challenging societal norms. It’s a bridge across continents, a mirror reflecting the universal struggle for dignity and equality.

Ernest Cole, Untitled, 1968–71; from Ernest Cole: The True America (Aperture, 2023). © 2023 Ernest Cole Family Trust
a group of people standing in front of a building
Ernest Cole, Untitled, 1968–71; from Ernest Cole: The True America (Aperture, 2023). © 2023 Ernest Cole Family Trust
Ernest Cole, Untitled, 1968–71; from Ernest Cole: The True America (Aperture, 2023). © 2023 Ernest Cole Family Trust
a person standing in front of a car
Ernest Cole, Untitled, 1968–71; from Ernest Cole: The True America (Aperture, 2023). © 2023 Ernest Cole Family Trust
a group of people standing on a sidewalk
Ernest Cole, Untitled, 1968–71; from Ernest Cole: The True America (Aperture, 2023). © 2023 Ernest Cole Family Trust
Ernest Cole, Untitled, 1968–71; from Ernest Cole: The True America (Aperture, 2023). © 2023 Ernest Cole Family Trust
Ernest Cole, Untitled, 1968–71; from Ernest Cole: The True America (Aperture, 2023). © 2023 Ernest Cole Family Trust
a group of people standing in front of a crowd
Ernest Cole, Untitled, 1968–71; from Ernest Cole: The True America (Aperture, 2023). © 2023 Ernest Cole Family Trust
a group of people walking in front of a store
Ernest Cole, Untitled, 1968–71; from Ernest Cole: The True America (Aperture, 2023). © 2023 Ernest Cole Family Trust
a man and a woman walking down a street
Ernest Cole, Untitled, 1968–71; from Ernest Cole: The True America (Aperture, 2023). © 2023 Ernest Cole Family Trust
Ernest Cole, Untitled, 1968–71; from Ernest Cole: The True America (Aperture, 2023). © 2023 Ernest Cole Family Trust

H/T mymodernmet