Outstanding photographer Greg Lecoeur turns out to be the best artist of all very skilled competitors and wins the 2020 Underwater Photographer of the Year contest. His dazzling photo of seals having fun in between icebergs in Antarctica triumphed over 5,500 other pictures from artists in dozens of countries. The UK-based competition proves to be a leader in worldwide underwater photography for 55 years.
The panel of experienced judges was stunned with Lecoeur’s photo, making it the obvious winner. One of the experts characterized the picture as a beautiful representation of an underwater dance of these magnificent animals, with a breathtaking landscape.
Pasquale Vassallo was another artist who earned special appreciation.
The one photography that brought him fame was an octopus balancing on a soccer ball. He got the title of Marine Conservation Photographer of the Year 2020. The photograph by this Italian artist of a tuna being caught up by a fishing boat vividly demonstrates the rigid end of life for many sea animals.
Photograph by Anita Kainrath, presenting lemon shark pups swimming among mangroves, got her a title of Up & Coming Underwater Photographer 2020. The female artist’s challenge was to achieve patience in earning the trust of these unpredictable predators, which got beautifully rewarded by showing the level of her exquisite gift.
Diving trips and equipment specialized in underwater photography are one of many rewards awaiting for all the artists.
Website: www.instagram.com/greg.lecoeur/