Peeling off price tags, children’s stickers, and manufacturers labels from glass can leave a gummy residue on surfaces. The daunting process is downright stubborn. Once you peel off the adhesive-back to a sticker or label; the annoying spot may tempt you to scrape it with a metal blade or putty knife, don’t. Here are a few cleaning tips to help you remove the gunk and residue associated with stickers. You can also use these tips with plastic, clothing and even wood.
First, try to remove the rest of the sticker residue with your fingers. You can roll the sticky adhesive into small balls with your fingers or pull them off piece by piece. Do not add washing detergent or soap until you completely remove the gunk.
Hot Water: You can add a few drops of dish detergent into a bowl of hot water and immerse the item (if the item will fit) to soak. This will soften the residue and make it easier to scrape away the gunk. Use a plastic scraper or your fingertips. Do not use cold water, it is not as effective as hot.
Rubbing Alcohol: If you want to remove sticker residue from glass then one of the most effective solvents is rubbing alcohol. You can use vodka too. The solvent is safe on most surfaces. Grab a wet paper towel or rag and add the alcohol. Rub the leftover glue to remove the remaining portion of residue. For stickers that don’t want to budge, lay the alcohol-soaked washcloth on the area for several minutes to help soften the residue. Then use a rag to rub off the remaining substance left behind.

Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash
Hair Dryer: Using this tool will amaze you. It is one of the best tools in your bathroom that can help remove sticker residue. Aim the dryer directly on the sticker residue and let the hot air loosen the adhesive. Then remove the rest of the gunk with a plastic scraper.
Plastic Scraping Tools: Avoid using metal blades. They can scratch the surface and damage your glass. Using a plastic scraper or even an edge of an old gift card, will remove the adhesive without scratching the surface. Another plastic scraper you can use will include a plastic knife or a plastic ice scraper (for car windows). Other options like a scratchy side of a sponge or rubber eraser will work too. The pencil eraser will have a grippy part you can use to drag the adhesive portion of the sticker away from the surface. This will allow you to use the plastic tool with more ease.
But be careful, you don’t want to overdo it and scratch the glass surface.
Using Peanut Butter: If you are looking for a natural way to remove branded stickers from a glass, then use a dab of peanut butter. You can leave it on there until the residue from the sticker softens. The fatty content from the peanut butter makes it a great way to dissolve sticker adhesive. Just add a tiny dab or smear a thick layer across the surface of the sticker for one hour. After waiting for one hour, the sticky gunk should wipe right off. Finish by using a clean rag to lift the remaining of the residue off.
WD-40 And Its Many Uses: WD-40 has so many uses in the household and for your automobile. You can use it to clean bugs away for your car’s bumper or remove stubborn tar. But did you know you can use it to remove adhesive residues from household surfaces and glass? Once you add the WD-40, it will be easy to clean. Spray it on the surface and let it sit for a few minutes. Examine the area you sprayed and wait for a few minutes and then grab a soft cloth to wipe it off. If the if the spray heavily soaked the area, then turn it over and wipe away the excess liquid. Continue to wipe until you have removed the WD, and it is dry to the touch.
Using Oil To Remove Sticky Substances: Are you looking to reuse your glass jars and need to remove the labeling? If so, oil is also a great way to soften sticker residue. One of the easiest ways to remove the adhesive is adding a small amount of oil and warm water to a scouring pad. Then smear a dab of the oil on the label or sticker (you can use this with any kind of glass, applies not only to glass jars). If you would like an overnight remedy; submerge the glass in some warm water and oil overnight, then scrub the label off the next morning. Wash the area with a little soap and water to remove the excess oil.
Vinegar: Removing sticker residue with natural household items can be a cheap way to fix a sticky situation. Soak a washcloth or rag in vinegar and lay it across the area. Let it sit for a few moments so it will soften the residue. Then gently wipe the area with a rag or washcloth.

Photo by Bárbara Montavon on Unsplash
Using A Professional Cleaner: There are a few products that will remove sticker film or residue with ease. If you would rather use a commercial product, then follow the manufacturer’s directions. The directions will ask for you to apply the product to the area, let it sit for a few minutes, and scrape the residue off with a plastic scraping tool or rag.
Coconut Oil And Baking Soda: This natural combination will offer a powerful punch against sticky adhesive. The baking soda will help scrub the sticky stuff away and you can use the coconut oil to saturate the adhesive. By mixing the two together, you can create a paste. Smear the paste across the adhesive area and let it sit for an hour. Afterwards, scrub the messy part away.
Letting your kids put stickers everywhere can seem like a fun idea until it is time to remove them. Or maybe you would like to recycle glass jars by removing the labeling on the front. Either way, it is great to have a natural or informative way to remove the remains without scratching the glass. Just remember to avoid using sharp or pointed objects to scrape the glue. Allow the proper amount of time for the glue to moisten and let your preferred technique do its job.