For the Hanami 2050 exhibition at Fukuoka, Japan, Danish floral designer Nicolai Bergmann collaborated with the Tokyo-based design firm Onesal to create a collection impressive botanical cartoons. The works were made under the concept of “prospective flowers,” and research creations from deep within the designers’ imaginations. Fantastical and brightly colored buds burst into blossom with a satisfying crack and sizzle, introducing structures that appear as a cross between a botanical garden and aliens woods.

The looping presentations were displayed on screens embedded in real foliage arranged by Bergmann and appeared to live at the historic Shinto shrine Dazaifu Tenmangu (太宰府天満宮) from March 29 to April 1, 2018. You can view a movie, and several clips, from the current installment below.

h/t thisiscolossal