Owning your first car and learning how to drive are super exciting if you’re there, congratulations! This change also comes with quite a few challenges and new responsibilities, though.
One of those is to make sure you’re prepared with the items that every driver needs to have on hand. Once you own your first car, here are a few of the most important things to buy to keep inside it.
Emergency Kit
First of all, and most importantly, you need some emergency items to help you in the case of a vehicle emergency.
Your emergency kit should consist of items that will help you out should your car break down, one of your tires run flat or any similar issue. This can include a portable tire inflator, a set of jumper cables, and an emergency triangle if you don’t already have one in the trunk. Your car should have a spare tire and a car jack included, so make sure those are available too.

Extra Charger
You never know what might happen that could require you to make contact with someone – which is why our smartphones should always be charged up. Your phone can help you out of loads of sticky situations on the road, whether that’s by phoning a friend for help or using your GPS to help you find your way.
Keeping a spare phone charger in your cubby is a simple way to potentially save your own bacon in the future.
Smartphone Mount
Older and cheaper car models don’t all come with a built-in screen and infotainment system, which means that using GPS will require you to hold your phone in your hand or on your lap which can be incredibly dangerous on the road.
A phone mount will allow you to prop your phone up on your dashboard, making it easy to see your screen and manage your device in a more responsible way. If you’re planning a family road trip and need to use your GPS, then having a mount for your smartphone will make navigation far easier and much safer.

Car Care Items
Another important responsibility is taking good care of your car. This means keeping up with routine maintenance and making sure it’s always clean and well looked after. Purchase the equipment you need to wash your car at home or commit to taking it in to the car wash at least once per month.
Picking out a great car air freshener will also keep your vehicle smelling fresh and feeling brand new.
Vanity Bag
Finally, keep a bag (like a vanity bag) full of personal care items in your car for emergencies. Lip balms, tissue paper, nail clippers, hand lotions, and eye drops are some good examples of items that will be useful to have wherever you are and can help you when you’re in a pinch.
It’s also never a bad idea to have a few beauty essentials on hand – a tube of lipstick and touch-up powder can help you freshen up when needs be.