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Making a Green Slip Claim? Here’s What You Need to Know

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Getting in a bad car accident is a terrifying thought. Sure, you pay for insurance in case something goes wrong, and you hear horror stories of terrible crashes, but that will never happen to you, right? Unfortunately, sometimes it does happen to you. Sometimes, a bad crash can leave you with serious medical concerns, financial strain, or psychological trauma. You may be entitled to compensation, especially if the other driver was in the wrong. This is where you may want to consider filing a Green Slip claim.

In Australia, if you’re seriously injured in an accident, you’re entitled to a lump sum as compensation. Several places require drivers to have Green Slip insurance, so if you ever injure someone or cause a fatality in an accident, you’ll be able to cover the costs of that tragedy. And if you’re suffering from injury or loss, there are proper steps to take to receive that money. The system is incredibly nuanced and requires you to stay diligent to get what you are owed. Remember, you’re recovering from a traumatic event, so you want to make your Green Slip claim process as simple as possible. Here are just a few things you need to know after your accident.

Have the insurance in place already

Australia requires some form of Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance for all drivers. Make sure you have this for yourself in case you’re ever on the other end of a Green Slip claim. You can do a ctp compare to see what the best deal is for you and how you can cover yourself in the event of an emergency or tragic accident. Do your research to understand if CTP or Green Slip insurance is right for you, and make sure it covers all your costs. Otherwise, individuals could end up paying thousands out of pocket for an accident that they were at-fault for.

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Find the at-fault driver

If you plan on filing a claim, you’re going to need as much information as possible. Finding the at-fault driver will help you contact their insurance company to get what you’re owed. Sometimes, this can be tricky because of hit-and-run situations. You may have to try different tactics to find what you’re looking for. A mugshot search can help you scan databases of criminals in the system. If the person who hit your car was pulled over and arrested for that accident, you can easily find them with a little online digging. The records are public and easy to access, but certain sites can help you streamline the process.

You’re on the clock, so get your information right away

When it comes to filing a Green Slip claim, you’re on the clock. You must file within 28 days for your claim to be valid; otherwise, you may not get paid. You also need to have relevant, timely information to provide to a claims agent. Speak with the police on the scene, if you’re able to, so you can get an event number and other information about your accident.

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No matter how you feel after an accident where you were not at fault, you still want to seek medical attention. There may be issues you don’t even realize at the time that will eventually be a result of the crash. Keep specific documentation of these doctor’s visits and other medical care. This is what your insurers will use to ask prior to reimbursement. As the months go on, continue monitoring your health and well-being. Even long-term injuries can be covered by a Green Slip claim as long as you have a recovery plan and are consistently trying to improve your health.