The uniqueness of the text is the percentage value, which shows how much text was written by the author from scratch. Suppose uniqueness is below 90-80% (and especially below 60%, because sometimes check programs find matching fragments only from a couple of words). In that case, it means plagiarism, that is, that some parts of the written text were stolen from the text of another author. Nowadays, a lot of student work is tested for plagiarism, and therefore students who ask to write my essay expect a good and unique essay, but sometimes students are unlucky, so you need to take a good approach to this issue.
Plagiarism is not always done intentionally, especially if we are not talking about 1% uniqueness, but for example, 74%. Texts are often written not from the head but from sources, which is normal, so sometimes phrases sound similar.
In this article, let’s find out what types of plagiarism exist and how to avoid it in your works.
What Types of Plagiarism Exist and Why They Exist
Before talking about how to make a text unique, let’s talk about what we are trying to avoid. In general, we can distinguish three types of plagiarism, depending on how it occurs:
- Direct theft of pieces of text. In other words, when the author singles out a whole paragraph of other authorship and presses Ctrl+C without saying in his article that it is a quote.
- Poor rewriting. This plagiarism occurs when the author partially substitutes another writer’s words for synonyms or rearranges sentences.
- Misattribution. When the author signs a quote with the wrong name/ title of the book, this is also called plagiarism.

Everyone knows that stealing is bad, but plagiarism is still common because stealing intellectual property is difficult to trace. If someone copies someone’s text, the original author may not even know about it. And yet, it is still theft. Why do people keep doing it instead of writing unique text:
- They do not have time to do their own work.
Many students put off writing their essays and coursework until the last moment and end up facing the impossible task of completing 50 pages in one night. Simply taking and copying someone else’s text seems like a quick and easy way to solve a problem. By the way, if you take excerpts from a book intentionally, as a quote, do not forget to specify the source; otherwise, it will also be plagiarism! So, if you do not have enough time to write your paper on your own, better order it at write my thesis service instead of stealing.
- They do not understand the topic on which they need to write an essay or article.
Academic papers are written on the basis of sources, but the student should study the problem and then present arguments in his own words and draw his own conclusions. But if a student has a poor understanding of what kind of issue he is reading about and what the essence of arguments is, he will describe them in his essay in almost the same words as in the source. By the way, experts on know their fields perfectly, so you will not have such a problem if you decide to ask for academic help here.
- They think that nobody will know about plagiarism.
When a student gives his essay to a teacher, the teacher may or may not check it for plagiarism, so some people rely on luck. Thus, it is known that at British universities, more than 50 thousand academic papers were not unique. But almost everyone has a friend who “found an essay on the Internet and got A+,” so everyone continues to hope that he too will be lucky. By the way, the leaders in plagiarism are students of Asian colleges.
- They are used to finding information on the Internet.
The Internet is a huge network, which has a lot of both useful and useless data. However, many students do not know how to filter this data and generally forget that there are also offline sources. However, to get not unique text using the Internet is much more likely, because most people get used to immediately copying data and then rewriting it a little. While reading a book, you first study it and then independently formulate the arguments that you found there. Besides, many books and articles are posted on the Internet illegally and under someone else’s authorship, so by using them and signing the quote incorrectly, you also get plagiarism in your work.
Self-plagiarism is another kind of plagiarism, and it’s worth talking about separately because the prefix “self” means that you steal from yourself. Yes, if we were talking about a physical thing, it would not be possible, but in the case of intellectual property, that is, text, this kind of theft exists.
It can include all cases where the already written text is issued for new and original. For example, when a student submits the same essay for two subjects at once.
By the way, this type of plagiarism is often found in teachers, too.
Before turning to the next issue of our article – how to avoid plagiarism – we would also like to briefly speak about what may be the consequences of theft of intellectual property.

Specific fines and penalties for plagiarism are prescribed in the rules of a university or college. Suppose a student who submits non-unique papers is going to build an academic career. In that case, it will be especially difficult for him/her because in the academic environment, it is at least unethical to pass off someone else’s work as their own. At most, you may be expelled from the academic community.
If you post non-unique content on the Internet, you will also be subject to the DMCA.
How to Write a Text Without Plagiarism
The problem with writing a unique text, especially if it is a college essay, is that you must use sources, not make up arguments and facts yourself. There are, however, a few tricks that will help you work with them correctly:
- Always refer to the source from which you obtained this information. And do it correctly: that is, write the full name of the author and all the data you need to specify by the rules of the citation style that you have chosen.
- Enclose part of the text in quotation marks if you include a direct quotation in an essay or article rather than describe the idea in your own words.
- Deepen your understanding of the subject before you start writing. This will make it easier for you to explain what you want to say without using phrases that you read in someone else’s text.
- Think about your own thoughts and ideas on the topic you have. In academic essays, you are allowed to use examples from your own life as arguments, not from sources. And it would help if you drew a conclusion yourself. So use the sources as an additional tool, not a base for paper.
- Check the finished paper for plagiarism yourself. Now there are many free services and programs on the Internet to check, so it will not be difficult.
- Order a work at the if you understand that you will not be able to complete a unique paper on your own.

So, as you can see, it is not so difficult to write your unique text, even if you have to use multiple sources for it. So use our tips to avoid plagiarism, and you’ll also avoid unpleasant consequences from it.