
Greece, officially known as the Hellenic Republic (Ellīnikî Dīmokratía), is situated in the southeastern part of Europe. Athens is the capital and largest city, which is part of a broader metropolitan area that includes the municipality of Piraeus.

Table: Geographical Information

Longitude and Latitude: 39.0742° N, 21.8243° E
Continent: Europe
Climate: Mediterranean Climate — hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters
Borders with: Albania, North Macedonia, Bulgaria to the north; Turkey to the northeast

Population and Demographics

Based on the 2011 census data, the population of Greece falls just shy of 11 million. The majority of the population is of Greek ethnicity and the official language is Greek.

Table: Demographics

Population: Just under 11 million (2011 Census)
Official Language: Greek
Major Religions: Predominantly Eastern Orthodox Christianity

Economic Factors

Greece has a high-income, diverse economy that includes sectors such as tourism, agriculture, shipping, and industrial production. The country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is notably influenced by its tourism sector.

Table: Economic Information

GDP: $194.3 billion USD (2019 data)
Currency: Euro (€)
Major Industries: Tourism, Shipping, Industrial Production, Agriculture

Geo-Political Aspects

Greece’s geographical location at the intersection of Europe, Asia, and Africa gives it significant geo-political importance. The country has land borders with Albania, North Macedonia, and Bulgaria to the north and Turkey to the northeast.

In-depth Facts About Greece

Strategic Geographical Position

Greece’s geographical location at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa has historical and current geo-strategic importance. This position has not only influenced its political relations but also its economic activities, such as trade.

The Significance of Athens

Athens is not only the capital but also the economic, cultural, and political hub of Greece. It is an expansive metropolitan area that incorporates Piraeus, a significant port city.

Population Demographics and Language

Greek is the primary and official language of Greece. The literacy rate is around 98%, and the main religion is Eastern Orthodox Christianity.

Economic Landscape

Tourism accounts for approximately 20% of Greece’s GDP. Other significant sectors include shipping and agriculture, with Greece being a notable producer of olives, grapes, and wheat.

Political Environment

Greece operates under a parliamentary republic system. The President serves as the head of state, while the Prime Minister serves as the head of government. Greece is a member of multiple international organizations including the United Nations and the European Union.


Greece holds a position of historical and geo-political significance, owing to its strategic location at the juncture of Europe, Asia, and Africa. Its capital, Athens, serves as a crucial cultural, economic, and political center. With its diversified economy and strategic importance, Greece remains a key player on the global stage.

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