Depending on when they are born, early babies can face tough uphill battles. As a Quebec-based photographer, Red Methot points in his Les Premas photo series, premature babies often do win their many challenges and persevere!
Julie, born at 7 months of pregnancy, and her son Kevin, born at 34 weeks
The photo series has people of broadly varying ages pose with photos of themselves as premature babies. In most, the trappings of the hospital ICU are still present. Premature babies can be born with underdeveloped organs, and are usually held in the ICU until their organs have developed fully.
Emile, born at 26 weeks
Zachary, born at 27 weeks
Felix, born at 23 weeks, and his brother Alexis, born at almost 33 weeks
Alice, born at 27 weeksTamica, born at 32 weeks (and 26 weeks pregnant at the time of the photo)Felix, born at 24 weeksTheo, born at 25 weeksNoah, born at 32 weeks. His twin sister Victoria, left in the framed picture, died after living 1 monthCharles, born at 26 weeksEva, born at 29 weeksMargot, born at 29 weeksLexiani, born at 25 weeksThomas, born at 23 weeks