Wars never really finish, since although they could finish on the battlefield, so many veterans bring the war home and must live together for the remainder of their lives.
This depressing and sobering reality is accentuated by Photographers such as David Jay and James Nachtwey, who’ve been documenting young and badly wounded American troops after their return from wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
“The events I have recorded shouldn’t be forgotten and should not be duplicated,”
writes Nachtwey, while Jay’s job, gathered into a string called Anonymous Soldier, was a finalist at the Portrait group to your Magnum Photography Awards 2016.
Speaking of his photos, Jay wrote they present “a chance to start a conversation about issues that we aren’t always familiar with…and problems that we’re accountable for. The pictures could be uncomfortable to the viewer. The truth isn’t always pretty. That is the reality. Let us tackle it.”
h/t: allthatisinteresting / lensculture / boredpanda

Image source: James Nachtwey

On November 15, 2011, Michael was on foot patrol at the Helmand Province of Afghanistan.
Image source: David Jay

On April 3, 2013, Matt was wounded while downloading an IED website on Kandahar.
Image source: David Jay

Image source: David Jay

Image source: David Jay

Army combat medic Sergeant Adam Hartswick dropped his legs and suffered a brain injury whilst treating wounded troops in Afghanistan. He’s in virtual-reality therapy, and it has learned to walk.
Image source: James Nachtwey

Image source: David Jay

Image source: James Nachtwey

Joel, now 26, was hurt in Iraq at age 20. Severely burned, blinded, a leg dropped and above 90 surgeries afterwards. Joel had this to say: “Looks are deceiving … what resembles a half empty glass is really three-quarters complete”.
Image source: David Jay

Image source: David Jay

Retired Navy hospital corpsman Jose Ramos missing an arm at an Iraqi rocket attack. He hopes to take part in the 2016 Paralympics. “Running is exactly what I do to unwind,” he states.
Image source: James Nachtwey

SSG Shilo Harris resides in Houston. Shilo was badly burnt on February 19th, 2007 with a road side bomb estimated at 700 pounds. He dropped three guys from a group of 5. Just Shilo and his driver survived the explosion.
Image source: David Jay

Tomas Young enlisted in the military two days following the 2001 September 11th attacks. Five days later being sent into Iraq, he had been shot in the back whilst riding in an unarmored vehicle in Sadr City, leaving him paralyzed. He expired in 2014 (approximately a year and a half following this photograph was taken) because of complications from his injuries.
Image source: David Jay

Image source: James Nachtwey

Image source: James Nachtwey

On June 8, 2013, in Paktika Province, Afghanistan, Major Matt was shot together with five others from a part of the Afghan National Army. The bullet severed his femoral artery causing the amputation of the leg.
Image source: David Jay

Image source: David Jay

Image source: David Jay

Image source: David Jay
Image source: David Jay