Beautiful blue skies form a pleasing backdrop against pink and gray buildings within this stunning photograph series by Giorgio Stefanoni. Throughout his series Unknown Geometries, the Italian art director and designer takes on a journey through the shapes and colors of this lesser-known architecture in Milan.

“I only wanted to slow down, to have a break, to combat the anxiety that provides me a growing and uncontrolled virtual and physical humane presence,” explains Stefanoni. “An Italian writer, Michele Serra, created the phrase ‘Fralluogo’ to signify the distance between two activities, two occasions, two things to perform or two people to understand, that everybody should give to themselves and others for surviving in this crowded, quickly and often shallow electronic era.

“These images are my personal ‘ Fralluoghi’, contemporary structure borrowed for therapeutic intent. Geometric shapes and bright colors of an unreal city where time does not exist, space has been diminished, the physical spaces are reduced and, in the same period, the psychological spaces increased. Aesthetic images as visual fragments of an experiment.”
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h/t creativeboom