
Chu Văn Đông Completed Micro-Dwelling in the Rural Surroundings of Northern Vietnam

In the mountains of northern Vietnam, architect Chu Văn Dông has finished a gabled micro-dwelling with a glazed façade that overlooks its rural surroundings. The short was to construct a temporary shelter — capable of accommodating two individuals — fast, easily, and at a low price. Perched on pilotis and surrounded by natural vegetation, the structure is suitably titled ‘forest house’ and intends to form part of a larger masterplan with other identical dwellings.

In completing the project, Chu Văn Dông – who is also project director at Handyman Decor & Furniture – designed a simple timber volume with a completely glazed elevation that provides views across the undulating landscape. Internally, the cottage has everything you may require for a night’s stay, such as beds for two and power outlets. An ac unit is also provided for the nation’s warmer months, while a cooker is capable of providing heat during winter.

h/t Designboom