If you are a pet parent, you can attest to how exciting understanding your dog can be. There is always something new to learn every day. While all that may be exciting and entertaining, it is also crucial for you as a dog owner to understand the language of your dog. Why? It is the only way that you will be able to address the needs of your pups and keep a happy dog. It might all seem like rocket science in the beginning, but in the long run, you will find that it’s straightforward. To understand what your dog wants, the following are the things that you need to pay attention to.

1. Eye contact
The eyes tell a lot. This does not only apply to humans. There is so much information you can gather by observing your dog’s eyes. For instance, if your dog looks at you and is continually blinking he needs attention. What kind of attention? One, he might be uncomfortable, or he might just be wanting to play. Through eye contact, you will be able to respond better to your dog needing attention or help if something is bothering him.

2. Tail Wagging
The tail is one of the most useful channels of communication for dogs. It is one of the areas that you need to be keen on if you want to understand your dog within the shortest time possible. The speed of the wagging, in particular, will tell you a lot. You might have noticed if you visit a neighbor with your dog for the first time when you get to the door, the wag may be slow. What that tells you is that your dog has no idea on the move he should make, and he needs to be given direction.

On the other hand, if the wagging is fast, he has control over a situation or, he is excited about something. If the tail is hidden between his legs, he is undoubtedly uncomfortable.
3. Posture
A dog’s position is also something to watch out for. There is a lot that your dog may be trying to tell you through his stance. That goes all the way from wanting attention to wanting something to eat. If he rolls on the floor and showing you his belly, it is certain that he feels that it should be playtime. If he hands you his paw, it has to do with food. Your friend is hungry: giving him the best dog food for pit bulls would be the perfect move to make at this point.

Different dogs might have different cues in their posture. It is therefore essential that you take time to learn over time. You will be in a better position to tell what exactly he wants if he pulls a specific pose.
4. Ear position
Dogs love to communicate using their ears too. There are two main ear positions that dogs have. One is holding their ears straight, and the other is holding them down. The cues are also the opposite. Ears held high is a sign of alertness. On the other hand, if they are held down, your dog might be trying to communicate that they are uncomfortable or scared.

5. Facial expressions
This should be the easiest way to understand your dog. Why? It is because the facial expressions and gestures do not defer much from those of humans. Take yawning for example. You usually yawn if you are bored, sleepy or hungry. The same goes for dogs. Your dog will yawn to show you that he needs to feed or even agitated.

A dog licking his face is an indicator of stress. One of the things that make dogs unsettled is if they sense danger
To become the best pet parent, you need to be able to be at your pet’s rescue if he needs anything. However, since dogs do not talk, that might prove to be a little challenging. There is a way out: understanding your dog’s body language.