It’s not a recently found fact that dogs are always ready for a cool car ride. Is it the speed … or is it the wind that makes them as keen as mustard… Who cares anyway! Each moment of dog fun is a pleasure for the owner, too, especially when a sweet photo shoot is taken.
#1. The First Car Rider on The Web

#2. Living Life Like A Boss

#3. Faster, faster! Can Not Feel The Wind!

#4. Refreshing Ride or … Sleep? Who Cares, It’s So Cool!

#5. Safety First

#6. Just Chillin’

#7. The Wind Discovers My True Beauty

#8. Feel The Sun, Feel The Wind, Feel Life!

#9. Play It Cool

#10. I Am So Exhausted, But Can Not Resist!

#11. World Is Spinning!

#12. One Dog + An Open Car Window = True Happiness

#13. Hair Blow Out

#14. What Huge Lips! Are They Mine?

#15. Gone Crazy With This Wind

#16. Can I Drive Next Time? It’s Awesome, Man!

Next time you have this feeling that the walks and running are never enough for your highly energetic dog, you can just end the day with a spinning car ride – an honest advice from a professional dog walker in London!