Buying and renovating a home can help you get the house of your dreams, after all, it’s rare that we find the perfect abode that is ready for us to move into without having to make any alterations.
And, even if your new home is ready to live in, you might find that you want to put your own stamp on the place, what better way to make it really feel like yours?
Of course, if you’re new to the renovation game, then it can be hard to know where to start, and with so much to remember, it’s easy to start feeling overwhelmed.
If you’re looking to buy a home that’s in need of a little TLC, then here are just four things to remember.
Make Sure Changes are Allowed
If you’re buying an older home, then you need to make sure that you’re permitted to make changes. Many older buildings are listed, and this severely limits the number of changes that can be made to the property.
Making changes to a listed building without receiving the proper permission can get you into a lot of trouble, so it’s important that you do thorough research before you get started. Depending on the restrictions, even a repaint without going through the proper channels.
If you aren’t sure if a property you’re considering is listed, then discover the Historic England register to double check.

Consider Previous Owners
If you’re purchasing a home that had owners prior to you, then it’s important to consider any changes that they might have made to the property that you might have to reverse.
Of course, in most instances you will be aware of these changes before you buy, however in some cases, for example if you’re buying a home at auction, you might just have to prepare yourself for any eventuality.
One of the most common changes that need to be reversed are stairlift alterations. Removing these yourselves isn’t always the best course of action, but experts such as We Buy Any Stairlift can remove the stairlift for you.
Secure Planning Permission
Regardless of the age of your home, many big changes, such as adding extensions to your property still require planning permission.
Getting planning permission is essential, because if you don’t secure it when you need to then you might be forced to undo all your hard work, leaving you out of pocket.
The government website can direct you to your Local Planning Authority, and there you can apply for planning permission if you need it.

Ask For Help
Finally, it’s important to remember that as much as you might want to keep costs down, there will be aspects of your renovation project that probably fall outside your area of expertise.
For example, unless you’re a qualified electrician, then carrying out your own electrical work can be dangerous.
Make sure to reach out to reputable tradespeople to complete tasks that you need assistance with.
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