Writing can be one of the most solitary of the arts, which means that a peek into the writing spaces of our literary heroes offers a real insight into where the work is coming from.
The people at Home Advisor have capitalized on just this observation, by creating a series of illustrated floor plans of the bedrooms of some of the greatest authors in history.
Virginia Woolf
The writer of Orlando and Mrs Dalloway was passionate about having her own private space in which to be and to write – it contained, among other things, a washbasin and some of her favorite possessions.
Ernest Hemingway
Hemingway was a true literary adventurer, and his room in Key West, Florida, reflected both his exotic urges and his no-nonsense writing style.
Flannery O’Connor
O’Connor lived with her mother throughout much of her writing career. This homely stability contrasts with the big issues that she tackled in her work.
Henry Thoreau
The American legend is known for his love of nature, and in particular the cabin that he built. It was a real human nest, and inspired him to his most notable works.
Victor Hugo
The French poet’s name has become synonymous with sensuality and promiscuity. His bedroom, you’ll note, is in passionate shades of red – while his ornate desk looks pretty sexy to most aspiring writers!
Emily Dickinson
Dickinson’s writing area was as modest as her career during her lifetime. Sitting at a simple table, she wrote nearly two-thousand poems – although less than a dozen were published before she died.
Marcel Proust
Proust is the definitive memoirist, able to conjure rich images of his past from the smallest details. It is perhaps fitting that his room was such a cramped yet creative space.
William Faulkner
Faulkner was so consumed by the need to structure and write his books, that he even used the walls to make notes and plans. Today, perhaps he’d just download a mind mapping app to his iPad?
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