Faig Ahmed twists the patterns of traditional Azerbaijani rugs, dismantling their structure to build structures that trick the eye by looking to melt off the wall. By rearticulating the initial design, he designs contemporary sculptural forms that look like digital glitches, patterns flatlining halfway within a tapestry or slowly morphing into a digital mosaic.
Ahmed tells that his fascination for textiles stems from their traditional value, humanity utilizing fabric for nearly the entire length of human history. “Another thing that interests me is a pattern,” states Ahmed. “Patterns and ornaments can be found in all cultures, sometimes similar, sometimes very different. I consider them words and phrases that can be read and translated into a language we assume.”
Ahmed lives in Baku, Azerbaijan and graduated from the sculpture department of Azerbaijan State Academy of Fine Art in 2004. The artist earlier focused on painting, video, and installation, but now works on textile and sculpture. Ahmed lately had a solo exhibition with Italian gallery Montoro12 titled “Omnia Mutantur, Nihil Interit,” and is currently in the group exhibition “Crafted: Objects in Flux” at The Museum of Fine Arts in Boston until January 10, 2016.
Via Booooooom