
Expert Tips When Finding A New Place For Your Employees To Work In

Finding a new workplace for your employees must be able to satisfy your needs as the boss and what your staff requires in order to perform efficiently. The global pandemic has shifted most of the work from offices to homes but surely not all shall stay that way in the near future. Sydney has seen the lowest demands in office spaces in the last 11 years and it could be an opportunity to find a place that can cater to all your business needs.

But what should you consider when you’re looking for a new space? This question can be overwhelming if you don’t know how to manage your requirements and budget. Here are some expert tips to help you decide:


Workplaces and business offices are still real estate so location is still King when you’re looking for a new place. If you’re accepting clients, make sure the new place is easily accessed and is safe for them to make that trip to your office. Also, consider your employees’ commute situation and choose a relatively convenient place for everyone.

black high rise building during daytime

Fitted Offices vs. Designing Unfurnished Spaces

A fitted office means that the place is already furnished and has all the utilities needed like electricity, internet, HVAC, and plumbing ready. This option reduces your task in designing your own place and allows your employees to get to work as soon as the agreement has been settled. The downside for fitted offices is that they tend to cost more and it’ll be hard to make some modifications in the layout and design. Both options will have their own pros and cons but understanding your needs will help you decide better. 

There are also many offices in Sydney that, although unfurnished, have already the basic amenities on standby and you’ll only have to do the rest of the interior. You can hire professionals to install office fitouts Sydney in order to create your own polished, functional, and engaging workspace. You’ll be able to decide how to better design an office for the well-being of your employees who’ll represent your brand with professionalism.

empty black rolling chairs at cubicles


Your relationship with the landlord or the property’s management is very important as having a bad one equates to having constant headaches. Before you decide on a place, talk to some of the tenants, and learn about the building and its amenities like security, engineering, and maintenance. A wise landlord knows that the success of his business is tied to your own success. So make sure you have an understanding with the property’s management regarding the lease and as much as possible the details of the contract where their involvement warrants it.

Other Tenants

You’ll hear many tenants fight with each other because they are in competition while there are others who work well because their businesses are closely related. Make sure you get to know the tenants before you move in, not only in your building but also in the neighboring area. A highly competitive area may draw more potential clients but they’re also being pulled by many of your competition, so you’ll have to take that into consideration if you’re planning to get into the fray.

There are still a number of things to take into account when finding a new place for your business, but adhering to a few basic and practical is a good start when making your decision. You may be hard-pressed to look for a new place but remember that time is your asset so make the most of it so that you won’t regret signing to lease a disastrous workplace.