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Tips For Starting A Career In Finance

Finance is a dynamic and fast-paced field that offers many opportunities for a lucrative career. However, it can also be a challenging industry to break into. If you want to enjoy a prolific career in this niche, here’s what you should do:

Obtain the necessary education and qualifications

Obtaining the necessary education and qualifications is an essential step toward starting a successful career in finance. Most finance-related jobs at the entry level require a bachelor’s degree in finance, accounting, economics, or a related field. Obtaining a master’s degree in finance or business administration (MBA) might provide a competitive advantage and increase job growth options.

Fortunately, pursuing an MBA in finance is now more accessible than ever, thanks to the availability of online programs. Online MBA finance degree programs offer the flexibility and convenience of studying from anywhere as long as there’s an internet connection available. The courses are designed to be accessible and user-friendly, making learning and applying the material in real-world situations easier. Additionally, online MBA finance degree programs often offer opportunities for networking and hands-on experience through internships and other practical training opportunities.

Decide on your area of focus

There are many different areas of finance, including accounting, investment banking, financial planning, and more. Determining which area aligns with your interests, skills, and career goals is essential.

To decide on your area of focus, start by researching different roles and industries within finance. Consider what type of work you enjoy, what skills you excel at, and what industries or sectors interest you. You can also talk to professionals in the industry to learn more about their experiences and insights.

It’s also important to keep an open mind and be flexible with your career goals. Your interests and goals may evolve as you gain experience and exposure to different areas of finance. Being open to new opportunities and experiences can help you stay agile and adaptable in your career.

Build your network

Networking allows you to connect with professionals in the industry, gain insights into job opportunities, and learn from experienced professionals. A strong network can also provide referrals and recommendations, making securing job interviews and advancing your career easier.

To build your network, start by attending industry events and conferences, such as those hosted by professional associations or networking groups. These events provide opportunities to meet and connect with other finance professionals, including potential employers and mentors. Additionally, participating in online forums or social media groups focused on finance can help you connect with professionals worldwide.

Another effective way to build your network is through informational interviews. Informational interviews allow you to learn about someone’s career path, experience, and advice for starting a career in finance. These conversations can also lead to valuable connections and insights into potential job opportunities.

Gain relevant experience

Employers typically look for candidates with practical experience in the field, as it demonstrates their ability to apply theoretical concepts to real-world situations. In addition, acquiring expertise can help you build critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication abilities.

One way to gain relevant experience is through internships or entry-level positions. Many companies offer internships or co-op programs that provide students and recent graduates with the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in the industry. These programs allow you to learn from experienced professionals, develop skills, and build your network.

Volunteering or undertaking tasks outside of work or school is another option to get experience. For example, you could volunteer to help a non-profit organization with its financial planning or analysis. These opportunities allow you to develop skills and gain experience while giving back to your community.

a man and a woman standing in front of a computer

Seek out a mentor or career coach

A mentor or coach can provide valuable guidance, advice, and support as you navigate the challenges and opportunities of the finance industry.

Research professionals in your field of interest to find a mentor or coach. Look for individuals who have achieved the level of success you aspire to and whose values and approaches align with yours. You can also seek mentorship or coaching programs offered by professional organizations or educational institutions.

During your mentorship or coaching relationship, seek guidance and feedback proactively. Be open to constructive criticism and willing to act on the advice you receive. Regularly check in with your mentor or coach to update them on your progress and seek additional support.

Develop your skills

Developing your skills is essential for success in the finance industry. Here are some skills to focus on:

  • Analytical thinking: Analyzing financial data is crucial for many finance roles. Practice with financial modeling tools and take courses to improve your analytical skills.
  • Communication: Finance professionals often communicate complex information to others. Strong written and verbal communication skills can help you convey information clearly and effectively.
  • Attention to detail: A small error on the balance sheet or forecast can have significant consequences. Developing rigorous attention to detail by carefully reviewing financial data and double-checking your work.
  • Soft skills: Teamwork and collaboration are essential in many finance jobs. Developing soft skills can help you work effectively with others.

By developing these skills, you can stand out among a crowd of finance grads seeking the same jobs as you.


Starting a career in finance can be challenging but ultimately satisfying and rewarding. It requires effort and dedication, but you can succeed in this dynamic and exciting industry with the right approach. By obtaining the necessary education and qualifications, determining your area of focus, building your network, gaining relevant experience, and developing your skills, you can position yourself for success. Remember that success may not happen overnight and requires persistence and patience. However, with a positive mindset and a commitment to growth, you can establish a fulfilling and successful career in finance.