
Antoine Geiger

a large brick building with a mountain in the background

Antoine Geiger, the celebrated French-Swiss artist, photographer, and architect, was born on the 23rd of May, 1995. Since the inception of his career, Geiger has lived in various European countries, including England, France, the Netherlands, and even as far as Rome in Italy. He is now based across three culturally vibrant cities – Paris, London, and Amsterdam.

In the short span of two years, Geiger’s unique perspective on life and society has led to four distinctive exhibitions. Notably, his work has also been acknowledged or printed in publications on ten separate occasions, testifying to his growing popularity in the world of photography and architecture.

A striking series that defines his creative repertoire is titled SUR-FAKE. The central idea of this project showcases individuals engrossed in their mobile phones, to the extent where it appears their faces are being devoured by the devices. This striking and slightly unsettling visual narrative sends a powerful message about our increasing reliance and potential addiction to technology. Geiger has managed to perfectly encapsulate the contemporary struggle between humanity and its creations, and the potential consequences of this dependency.

Geiger’s work has been displayed in a number of significant shows spanning the globe. In chronological order, his exhibitions include:

  • In 2014, he participated in a collective show at Centrale Paris, featuring the artist JR. His work was also displayed at Galerie Binôme and Galerie Actes Sud in Paris and Arles respectively.
  • His photographs found place in the prestigious Musée du Louvre in Paris and the Institut d’hist. de l’Art et d’Archéologie in 2015.
  • 2016 marked a prolific year for Geiger, with his work displayed at multiple venues, including Point Ephémère, European House of Art in Germany, and Stern Pissarro Gallery in London. Other shows were at the Rosenberg Gallery in New York, Cultural Evolution in Ukraine, and several venues in Paris such as Les grands voisins, Crous, and Jussieu.
  • In 2017, his work traveled across continents to Cornell Art Museum in Miami, Florida, and also found its place at the renowned Saatchi Gallery in London and the Tevere Art Gallery in Rome.
  • He showcased his work at Le 100 in Paris in 2019, and at the SCREEN IT event in Genk, Belgium, in 2020.
  • His most recent exhibition in 2021 was at Brandlhuber / ARCH+ in Berlin.

Parallel to these showcases, his work was being acknowledged in several publications. The print appearances of his work span from well-regarded magazines to online platforms and even a Netflix Queue. A few of the notable publications include Arch+ Germany, ZEIT online, The Evening Standard, ELLE Men China, Le, Huffington Post, VICE news, Forbes, and Adobe UK.

In 2017, Geiger was included in the Saatchi Gallery’s catalog titled “From Selfie to Self Expression.” This selection is indicative of his innovative approach to interpreting technology’s impact on individual identity and societal interactions.

Finally, one of his most significant acknowledgments in the world of music was the selection of his artwork for the album cover of Jeff Mills’ “When Time Splits”. This inclusion marked his significant influence in a variety of artistic fields.

In conclusion, Antoine Geiger’s meteoric rise and prolific body of work, coupled with his unique creative perspective, have marked him as an artist to watch in the years to come. His exploration of technology’s influence on society is a compelling narrative that continues to provoke thought and inspire dialogue in this digital age.

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