What is a school tote bag?
Let’s focus our description of “bags that could be used in school.” These are not backpacks. Though there are plenty of great options available for backpacks on the Tote Bag Factory website products list. Instead these are the tote bags that are like the large beach bags with an open top. They have straps so that you can easily carry them in your hand or on your shoulder. They are also usually made of a durable cotton or canvas material. The benefit of Tote Bags Factory is that many of the totes that are available can be customized with logos, emblems, names, slogans, or images as requested. This isn’t an off-the-rack site. Rather, Tote Bag Factory is a wholesale distributor that also allows select purchases straight to the consumer. This weeds out the middleman, aka big box store or retail giant, and allows the consumer to get the benefit of the discounted prices. Tote Bag Factory can sell more of its products and the consumer saves huge on the wholesale prices. There couldn’t be a better deal. Most of the retail stores or big box stores won’t customize their goods. So, you would have to take the product to another shop to get personalized with your image or logo.

These totes are perfect for around the classrooms for use by students, administration, professors, and teachers. They can withstand the demands placed on them by heavy books and desk supplies. Further, these totes are always in style and have the classic look that you or your family and friends will want to have. These totes are great for any grade, school, or use. Think you don’t need another bag? Think again. People are carrying more than ever. You need something that is easy to use, large enough to carry lots of stuff, and useful in any type of event. Tote Bag Factory can offer you low prices for even just one bag. There are basically no minimums on most of the products and they still offer the wholesale discounted price.
What is a good school promotional item?
When you are thinking about what to get for promotional goods for your school’s club, organization, team, event, or any other type of group, you need to think about what promotional item is useful and branded well for the image you are looking to portray. Not just any item is useful. No, instead you need to get an item that screams class. You need something that isn’t going to be thrown out. You need to get something that will be used and seen around campus for months to come. It is about longevity not about instant impact. Think about it this way.
If you are raising awareness for a campus social issue, do you want something that is just thrown in the trash at the end of the day? Those items will never be used, and your efforts will be for the most part wasted. Even with single events, you want people to remember the event and remember the organization that put it together. If you are looking for lasting impact, then you need to get something with these two aspects.

First, it needs to be durable. There is no question about this. No one will keep anything that isn’t durable. Is a hydration flask something you keep if it breaks after the first use? No, obviously the durability of any product determines whether or not you keep and use it into the future.
Second, you need to offer something that is useful. If you give people a poster, they may hang it but then no one will see it. If you give people a bag on a school campus, people will not only use it, but also, they will carry it around. See the benefit in the second option? You don’t only want to remind the participants of the event or group, but you should have the goal to want to inform the entire student body of your organization or event. Your club deserves the exposure of everyone who could participate, join, or support your vision. To do this you need to give people something that they will continually use around the general public. This way everyone will know your name, your message, and your purpose.
Why get a wholesale school tote bag?
When you get a school tote bag from Tote Bag Factory you are getting something of good quality. However, you don’t have to pay retail price. Instead, you are buying straight from the wholesale distributor. This allows you to get amazing pricing on everything, many without a minimum purchase. So, do the right thing for your group and buy a quality school tote bag.