Today we’re going to talk about how to remind your children how you feel every day without time or effort.
Every infant, from the moment they are born, expects unconditional love from their mother, the kind of love that doesn’t ask for anything in return.
It is important for children to be loved at all times, regardless of how they behave or what they do. It is possible to be negative about children’s actions, but not about the child personally.
Conditional love begins when parents love the baby for something: “I don’t love you when you cry. If you behave well, then I’ll kiss you.”
Where will the confidence and determination come from if the child is deprived of parental tenderness?
Do not waste precious time, give your children your unconditional love every day.
How to show your child your love?
Often parents do not know how to show their love. A storm of emotions awaits children only if they misbehave. And meanwhile, there are many ways to show affection – through looks, touches, attention, and ordinary words.
Eexchange looks
Some moms and dads look into the baby’s eyes only when they want to convey an important message: “I’m talking to you now, come on, look at me!
Other parents don’t consider the exchange of looks to be significant at all.
However, a look full of love and tenderness is extremely important in establishing contact with a child.
When the baby is upset, tired, crying, sometimes it’s enough to look into his or her eyes to express your understanding and support. This method is especially effective if the baby does not yet understand the speech addressed to him or her.
The use looks in communication with your offspring, so he or she can feel your love.
Cuddle more often
Try an experiment – count the number of times per day you touch your baby to caress, not out of necessity (when bathing, dressing). Pediatricians and psychologists have long found that normal child development requires daily hugs – at least eight.
Physical contact is beneficial for babies: calm touches and pats on the shoulders activate, and strong hugs soothe. If you are not easy to show such feelings, try to start with daily kisses before bedtime.

Give undivided attention
This method will require you more time than eye contact or touching.
You will have to break away from your laptop, phone conversation, to fully focus on the baby, not distracted by anything. In addition, a unique human cushion is a great gift, to show interest.
By the way, it is not only the number of minutes spent on the baby that matters but also the quality.
Let it be a half-hour session every day after kindergarten or school, but it is exclusively baby time.
The ideal scenario is for each parent to give their attention to the baby. With mom and dad can communicate in different ways, which will help children develop properly.
Don’t forget to praise
Verbal expressions of affection (approval, praise) seem quite natural, but many parents are stingy with good words for some reason. They take high marks, good behavior, or high achievement for granted.
But psychologists say that this position is a big mistake.
Be sure to tell your child every day that you love him or her, to praise the good deeds, and to celebrate his or her significant achievements. Only then will he guess that you are proud of him or her.

Leave notes for your children
If your baby is too young and can’t read, draw hearts or funny smiley faces. For an older preschooler or schoolchild, you can leave notes in a backpack or on the fridge.
It is not necessary to write too long messages, limit yourself to short phrases: “I love you, darling” or “I wish you success”. If you want to save a little time, prepare a few notes in advance and post them every morning.
Have dinners together
It’s a shame that in many families, such a wonderful tradition as eating together has disappeared.
Meanwhile, studies by American psychologists show that communal family dinners are beneficial for children – they increase self-esteem and resistance to stress.
And another joint “meal” is an excellent opportunity to catch up on lost time for the day and discuss with the child what he or she really cares about or worries about.
If you return late at night, when your baby is already asleep, move the snack to the morning.

Read together
We’ve already talked about the benefits of the nightly ritual of reading fairy tales. This helps to instill in children a love of books. And the kids themselves enjoy listening to the magical stories that they are read by their favorite mom before going to bed.
Older children won’t turn down the opportunity to snuggle up with you and listen to a new and exciting story. If your child can already read, assign roles and read together.
Be something important
No one requires you to perform daily feats, small children will appreciate the little things like gifting these wonderful chocolate pillows.
Be also a good example for your offspring – every day thank him for what he went for a walk with the dog, helped with the table setting, washed the dishes.
Play with your little one
Of course, today it’s much easier to put a computer game or turn on a cartoon for your child than it is to organize a game together. But will your baby be happier from this? Allocate at least 20 minutes to the game, let it be checkers or bingo or a macaroni craft.
No time for entertainment? Turn on the music, let the baby dance in the nursery, and you have time to prepare dinner.
You can try to involve your child in household chores. For example, ask him or her to wash potatoes for soup, roll out the dough.

Plan weekend activities
Discuss with your children a plan of activities for the weekend. Even a preschooler can give you a good idea of the best way to spend a Saturday afternoon. Perhaps it will be a skiing or biking trip, a field trip, a visit to the circus, the zoo, or the theater.
Planning a weekend together is a great way to show your love for your children and also to show that you respect their opinions.
Parents need to not only love their children but also show that love.
Thanks to the daily portion of attention, hugs, and kisses the child will grow confident in himself, will be full of strength, will feel needed and loved, will learn to show tenderness to his or her parents and other relatives.