Scuba Diving magazine organized the Through Your Lens Underwater Photo Contest for the 16th time. People got a task – to submit their best photographs – and this year was the most fruitful. Over 2,600 images uploaded, the judges had plenty of work, selecting the winners.
The one photograph, which stunned the judges, taken in Baja California, Mexico by Evans Baudin, presents a whale shark photo with fifty fish riding in her mouth. This female shark of 39-foot long seemingly had no issues with her passengers and was more than happy to offer them a ride where they had to go.
Evans Baudin is a French marine wildlife expert and ended up in Mexico for a permitted dive to study the consequence of COVID-19 on marine life. His artwork sits among the four category winners for Macro, Wide Angle, Behavior, and Compact Camera.
All of the winners won trips abroad variety of vessels to continue their scuba-diving exploits. In contrast, the second and third place category winners got professional camera equipment from SeaLife and Cressi.
in Animals, Photography