Albert Dros, a landscape photographer, always finds his inspiration in the forest. Quite recently, he realized that the woods around his home could make a fantastic muse. These woods are evolving and ever-changing, drawing him back time and time again. He visits so frequently that he began to photograph the same spot in the forest in different seasons throughout a year.
He uses his fantasy and creativity through different angles and lighting to present how the forest’s atmosphere and mood change through seasons.
While firey red leaves create a pop glow in fall, the white, snowy forest is equally as mesmerizing. Dros keeps track of his favorite places and often comes back to see how much they have changed. He noted that sometimes the same place, during the same season, might look completely different thanks to tiny changes, such as the shade of leaves.
His work is actual proof that people don’t need to wander too far away to shoot some unique photographs. Sometimes all you need is to drive or walk just a few minutes away from your place. The crucial thing is to keep one’s eyes and mind open to let the inspiration in.