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3 Tips to Creating a Well-Designed Website

Photo by Domenico Loia on Unsplash

Designing a website is a deceivingly difficult task. Though you might think that all it takes is installing some templates, there are many aspects of website design that we take for granted. For example, have you ever considered the importance of having a Contact Us page? What about a search bar? We might not notice these things when they’re there, our lives have certainly become more difficult when they’re taken away.

This is why learning how to create a well-designed website is essential to anyone looking to maintain an online page for a business. Well-designed websites are important for getting ahead of your competition, as users will often be drawn to websites that are functional and convenient regardless of the service they are selling.

To help you truly understand web design, we’ve created a list of three tips to help you create a well-designed website:

1. Follow Design Principles

Like any type of visual art, websites need to follow certain principles to stay organized. It can be very easy to add too many elements to a design, but this will only overwhelm your consumers. This is why we recommend familiarizing yourself with design principles that will help you keep your page more organized and cohesive.

Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash

Visual hierarchy is the first step in following design principles when creating a website. Visual hierarchy is the arrangement of elements in order of importance. This is done by size, color, imagery, contrast, font, whitespace, texture, and style. The most important part of a visual hierarchy is to establish a focal point. This will show the visitors what the most important information on the page is.

When designing a website, picking a color palette before you begin your site is the best place to start. To make sure that your palette isn’t too busy, we recommend that you only use two or three colors at first. These colors should also be complemented by a suitable font that is easy to read by all demographics. By keeping it simple with the colors and font you use, the website will be more readable to those visiting your website. We also recommend consulting with experts. The award-winning agency that we follow

2. Incorporate Different Types of Media

Using different types of media on your site will create a visual presentation that will appeal to a wide range of views. A well-designed website incorporates videos on their site. Videos are attention-grabbers and will add interest to your website. A video will introduce users to your product or service and is more user-friendly than a long list of text. By incorporating a video onto your website, you are using both visual and audio to present content so you can reach a bigger audience. Videos will also help to build your brand identity and allows for visual communication that helps build an emotional connection to potential customers.

Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash

The placement of images on your website is key. You need to choose the right images for your website to help with brand positioning and connecting with your target audience. Make sure you use your own high- quality professional photos or high-quality stock photos. Other options for your website include using infographics, graphics, etc. Did you know that infographics are more effective at communicating than written text?

Remember to keep it simple. Well placed photos, infographics, and text go a long way when designing a site. Simplicity will make your site easier to use and make the purpose of the website clear to the visitor.

3. Navigation

Keep your website simple. Less is more when it comes to a well-designed website. Too many elements on the page is distracting to visitors. A clean, fresh design makes it easier to navigate your site. A simple site will attract visitors and create new business for your company.

Photo by Hal Gatewood on Unsplash

How a user navigates your site will determine if they stay on the site. Your site should be easy for people to move around with clickable buttons. Make sure your site follows the “three-click rule” which means users will be able to find the information they are looking for in three clicks. Navigation is the key to retaining visitors to your site and get them to come back. Make sure every page on your site is simple, intuitive and consistent.