Bathrooms are the space in your living quarters that give you the space and imagination to go wild with. When it comes to re-decorating your bathroom, there are infinite possibilities and even more so when it comes to the flooring!
With an upgrade to your flooring, you are essentially upgrading your bathroom’s aesthetic as well. What better way to unwind in a nicely decorated bathroom reflecting both personality and style?
Look no further, for we have gathered a list of flooring ideas that will leave you floored, literally. And once you’ve picked one that you like, simply check out shower deals this black friday to save some coins!

Cozy it Up
As a rule of thumb, using wooden flooring will add a touch of naturality to your bathroom, as well as enhance the homely feeling. Whether organic or man-made, the wooden flooring that reminds you of Scandinavian bathrooms will never go out of style.
Be Bold and Shape it Up
Using a blend of shapes, whether fixed or abstract is a surefire way to infuse a special touch into your bathroom. If you are utilizing shapes, going for the tested and proven hexagon patterned tiles is a safe bet. Not only does it enhance the elegance in your bathroom, but it also provides character to your flooring. On another note, going bold is not a bad choice either. With eccentric and vivid flooring, your eyes will be in for a treat every time you step into the bathroom. Talk about a unique personal space.

Patterns are your Best Friend
Another way to kickstart redecorating or upgrading your tiles is to flip through some magazines or look at home decor models. You will find that most of them have a mixture of patterns both subtle and loud. If you are out of ideas, taking a leaf out of those books can help you recreate the bathroom of your dreams, but with your personality and charm added to it. Introducing patterns also invites an eye-catching focal point for your otherwise ordinary bathroom.
The Unconventional Way
Maybe you have the mindset that normal square floor tiles are boring and outdated. However, they are timeless and can come in a plethora of designs and flairs. If you want your bathroom to hint at more modern than old-school, try switching out your tiles for the handmade types. These tiles will allow your bathroom to feel like it’s been infused with homely cheer, and using natural stone finishes can enhance the vibe and atmosphere of your bathroom.

Bring Back Vintage
Who said vintage was out of trend? Vintage looks can be created and constructed in many ways and will never disappoint. One way to do this is to make use of a color palette that is both earthy and modern, which will introduce an element of fun while providing a cool ambiance. Another way is to use the old-fashioned tiles that will bring elements of surprise to your lavatory.
Using rugs and carpets are also a crowd favorite when it comes to redecorating your bathroom. Placing a huge, flat-woven piece will add the extra oomph and texture underneath your soles. Introducing sheepskin will also allow your bathroom to project luxury, and will be ideal for stepping onto after a long soak in the bathtub.
Monochrome It
An effortless way to attain the minimalist result while displaying hints of naturalness is to coat the wooden covered floors with a shiny black. Not only does it play up the dramatics of your bathroom, but it is also s good way to rejuvenate the old flooring that has been worn over time. Besides that, a monochrome themed bathroom gives you an infinite number of ways to experiment with. From exploring tile options to the fixtures dotting your space, a monochrome bathroom exudes a flair of class that no other themes will be able to replace.
Trick-Eye bathroom
What’s better than a motif made up of tricky geometric shapes? Having a bathroom with patterns that trick your eye every time you look at it will be one to talk about among your guests.

Faded grays
Having wood that is Gray polished will immediately transport you back to the countryside cottage. With antique fixtures added, the natural vibes of this flooring will be allowed to shine, while the muted gray levels the background.
Contrast it Up
If your bathroom walls are of bright, vivid colors, choose the smarter option, and choose flooring of a neutral shade. Tiles don’t have to be as bold and daring as your wall colors are and contrast will only serve to bring the style of your bathroom to greater heights. Having a contrasting theme will pique interest and gather excitement from the detail put into it.

Repetitive Accents
One very ingenious idea to upgrade your bathroom look is to repeat the patterns. One good example is imitating the floor tile pattern onto the tiles used for your shower area. Those with observant eyes will pick up the detail immediately, thus providing a hidden attraction.
Go Vivid
If your bathroom is already monochrome and you have no thoughts of changing it, why not change it up by swapping out your tiles with a more vivid and brilliant color? This will instantly bring energy to your bathroom and add a touch of class to an otherwise black and white space. Additionally, you can try alternating the size of your tiles to up the ante.
Two is better than one
Two is always better than one and in this case, why not double everything in your bathroom? For big spacious bathrooms, having a designated his and her vanity and space will help in giving the bathroom a more complete and wholesome look to it. You can even try having one solid color theme for each person’s space to make things more interesting.

Laying it Sideways
The directions your floor tiles are laid in your bathroom can make or break an aesthetic. For example, a clean way of orienting your floor tiles in a herringbone manner can cultivate interest and attention for those who are familiar with such styles.
After exploring the many different ways a bathroom flooring can be upgraded or redecorated to fit your ideal layout, the next step would be to find one that strikes you the most and get started today!