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Hacks and Tips in Growing Plants Around the House

If you are a gardening enthusiast but don't have enough outside space for all the plants you want, chances are you have a garden indoors instead. Indoor gardens are an excellent way to promote relaxation and a sense of calm inside your home, and it's pretty neat to see pops of leafy green color everywhere when you walk around your house. Growing vegetables or herbs to supplement your meals will make them taste amazingly fresh, and nothing feels better than making dinner using veggies you grew with your own two hands.

However, it isn't always as simple as planting a seed in some dirt and watering it when you happen to remember. Plants are generally low-effort, but they do require some time and care to keep them in excellent condition, no matter what kind you choose to grow. Many people like to have fresh veggies or herbs, and another plant that's becoming more commonplace every day for both novice and expert growers is marijuana and CBD.

They've become very popular due to the many health benefits these plants provide, such as reducing stress and alleviating chronic pain or headaches. You can easily purchase auto-flowering marijuana or CBD seeds at Weed Seeds USA, a reputable online seed bank with a massive selection of premium seeds available in many different varieties. Whether it's herbs, microgreens, lettuce, veggies, or even marijuana or CBD, there are some great hacks and tips that you can use to keep your indoor garden thriving.

Recycle Leftover Cooking Water

Whenever you decide to boil some eggs or veggies, don't throw out the water when you're finished cooking. Instead, wait for it to cool and then water your plants with it. The veggies or eggs will have imparted essential calcium and nutrients in the water that your plants need to thrive. It's also a great way to be environmentally friendly and not waste any water.

Grow Herbs Using Cuttings

Growing herbs from seeds is a time-consuming and challenging process, and they don't always germinate properly. Instead of using seeds, you can grow herbs from cuttings you get right from your local produce section. It's super simple: soak the end of your chosen cuttings in water until you start to see roots growing. Then, carefully transplant them into the soil when they're healthy enough to grow on their own.

Make Your Own Fertilizer

One of the best methods for creating your own organic fertilizer is by having a compost pile. However, for those who don't have enough space for a compost pile, you can create fertilizer using the leftover coffee grounds every time you make a cup o' joe. Your plants may not care about the caffeine, but they absolutely love the acidic properties coffee contains, as it has vital nutrients they need to mature properly. Adding leftover grounds to the soil of your plants is not only a great way to recycle, but it's also effective at preventing pests like slugs and ants.

Use Hydrogen Peroxide to Stop Root Rot in its Tracks

Take a close look at your plants: do the leaves look yellow? If so, they may be suffering from root rot, which occurs when your plant's roots are sitting in water for a long time or if you're overwatering them. The solution is simple, though; all you need to do is mix some hydrogen peroxide with water. Using this mixture to water your plants will reverse the effects of root rot, and when the peroxide hits the soil, it will start to bubble and fizz. The bubbling allows your roots to soak up all the oxygen they need to grow.  

Grow a Beautiful Green Garden Indoors

By taking advantage of these simple, affordable garden hacks, you can have beautiful, thriving green plants in your home. Whether you want to grow flowers, veggies, herbs, microgreens, or even CBD or marijuana, you can keep your indoor garden flourishing by utilizing some of these organic, eco-friendly tips. Water your plants with hydrogen peroxide and water solution to combat root rot, recycle your old coffee grounds to make organic fertilizer, and save the leftover cooking water for your plants whenever you boil veggies or eggs. These are all simple, cost-effective, and organic ways to make your indoor plants grow fast and healthy.

green plant on brown pot

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