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The 3 Best Money Saving Tips When You Own A Dog

black and white short coated dog

When you feel like you are struggling to make ends meet, then you will surely be looking for ways to save money. Luckily, there are so many areas of your life where there is enough wasteful spending that it makes sense to start there. Just about every aspect of your life can be modified so you end up spending less money. 

One part of our lives that seems off-limits is our pets. Since they are part of the family, it seems like we would be hurting them to spend less money on them. The reality is there are ways to save money even when you own a dog, for instance. In this article, we will go over some of the ways you can save money as a dog owner. 

black and white french bulldog puppy

Buy pet insurance

Even though you are adding an expense to your life, buying pet insurance will help you save money in the long run. Since you are able to save money on vet bills with pet insurance, it ends up paying for itself over the years. This is because vrt bills can be extremely high even when things are going well. 

When you have an unexpected illness or accident, then the cost of urgent care is off the charts. Having a dog insurance will help keep those costs under control When you consider that it could cost thousands if your dog has an injury or get sick with cancer then you could end up in some serious financial straits. 

You may bristle at the cost of the premiums at first, but it is an inevitability that you will save money at the vet in one way or another. 

DIY doggie training

A dog trainer can end up costin you thousands of dollars over the course of a year or longer. Yet, training your dog is essential. This is because a trained dog is happier and makes life easier for everybody involved. An untrained dog will cause you problems and won’t be better for your dog either. 

Don’t be tempted to not train your dog when you are on a tight budget. Instead, look into ways to train the dog yourself. It won’t exactly be easy, but it also isn’t something that you can’t handle. 

Take some classes online run by a professional and certified dog trainer and you will learn how to do things yourself. With preparation and patience, you will have a well-trained dog and you will spend a fraction of what a professional trainer would cost. 

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DIY grooming

Your dog needs to be groomed not just to look pretty but to stay healthy. Knotted fur is uncomfortable and can cause health problems. There are mites and parasites that love dirty dogs that will be removed when they are cleaned. The list goes on so it is not a good idea to forgo their grooming if you can’t afford to go to a dog groomer. 

Watch some tutorials to get an idea of how you can take care of the grooming yourself and save hundreds per year.