Alex Cearn was a police officer. But after having a radical career change, she now works as the Creative Director of Houndstooth Studio, a studio specializing in taking animal portraits.
These days, she could be seen armed with a camera and shooting photographs of puppies. She uses her work to capture uplifting moments when interacting with puppies, and a lot of her time has been dedicated to philanthropic animal work.
This series, in particular, shows her job with dogs rescues. She aims to be an advocate for animals and speak up if you can not.
“One of my most passionate goals as an animal photographer is to capture the adorable subtleties which make all animals valuable and unique,” Cearn states. “I cherish every animal I have the opportunity of photographing, but those looked as different maintain a special place in my heart.”
What exactly about this sequence? Why did she choose to picture”pristine” dogs? She finds them inspirational.
“These are the canines who’ve lost a leg, been born with no eyes, or are still showing the scars of prior abuse,” says Cearns. “Most creatures with afflictions’ do not reside on them. They adapt to their bodies without criticism, and they survive with confidence. They push on, always, wanting to be included and involved in everything as far as they can, and as much as an able-bodied pet does.”
“The determination of animals to defeat adversity never ceases to amaze me. They create the most from life and out of them I have learned a lot about always seeing the positive in each circumstance and never giving up.”
More info houndstoothstudio

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