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Best Marketing Strategies for 2021

The past year with all its issues related to the world health problem and the economic downturn became a rather challenging experience for the marketers. Searching for ways out of the sales crisis, they dived into digital marketing, which saved lots of businesses from being closed. The year 2021 will continue this trend as the market will never be the same again. New challenges make businesses look for new marketing strategies and new ways to develop and attract new customers. Except for these, the changes in technology and regulations that are to come into effect in 2021 will also require the marketers to be prepared.

In this post, we’ll tell about the marketing strategies for 2021 that will match the needs of customers, whose attitude to life and product consumption has changed once and for all. The key idea that connects all the strategies given below is the customization of your marketing content to show that each customer is valuable and important.

Strive for Customization

In the flood of brands fighting for customers on the web, it’s easy to get unnoticed. The only way to let potential buyers know about your offer is to build direct relations with them. The era of third-party cookies is going to an end, and the future lies in practicing first-party data collection. Such instruments give the possibility to react to the customers’ requests before they lose their actuality. Direct relations with the clients give a push to content personalization. This can drag more customers to your site and increase sales rates. The companies that have already invested in creating customer data platforms have noticed a significant increase in their website conversions and click-through rates.

Social Media Sales

Have you ever thought about social media marketing? If not, then it’s right the time for you to start. Commerce on social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook is no longer a plan, it’s the reality that became true in 2020 when they launched on-platforms shops for the customers to get direct access to the product. 

The benefit of this marketing strategy is the possibility to sell directly, thus shortening to a minimum the client’s way from the search of the product to the purchase. A lot of companies, big and small, have already tested social commerce and their results look promising for other businesses.

Apart from direct sales, social media have a huge potential for growing your leads and making your brand known to the audience. However, to make this work, you have to know which social media platform has more of your target audience. If this comprises mainly teenagers and people under 24, TikTok videos can do great for your brand advertising. The low-budget videos will make you closer to your potential buyers by regularly appearing on their news-feeds.

Give More Attention to Your Video Marketing Strategy

More than 90% of people percept the information better if it comes through the visual receptor. Whereas 76% of customers make their decision regarding the purchase of a product or service after watching its video overview. Every year the conversion of video content grows, and 2021 won’t be an exception. The past year gave a boost to live-streaming on social media and all sorts of online video platforms, like Vimeo. This tendency will be preserved in 2021. 

Except for being a low-budget way of staying close to your customers, live-streams also add to the building of trust between the brand and its leads, which is another powerful strategy for retaining and attracting new customers.

Starting a video blog on YouTube or adding a video blog to your website will bring your company to the top of the Google search list, which is another good reason to invest in video marketing. In case you lack ideas on how it should work or how to create quality videos for your brand, you can look them up in the Movavi blog.

Build Trustworthy Relations with the Consumers

It’s no news that emotional interconnection with the customers is the key to your brand’s success. People are more likely to spend money on the product made by the company sharing their values. However, in 2021, this may be not enough to turn your leads into real customers. The situation in healthcare made people wary of the products they cannot fully trust to. One of the tasks of an effective marketing strategy is to help people overcome their fears and understand that you care about them. Concentrate your customer’s attention on the safety of the product you offer and the services you provide. This can easily be done by fulfilling your promises and following the principles you announce important for your brand. 

Cherish Your Real Customers

Striving to attract leads, some brands forget about people who have already chosen them out of thousands of others. That is a huge mistake, especially in the conditions we are living in now. The work with the already existing customers is much cheaper and can be much more effective if compared to attracting new clients. First of all, that’s because you already know a lot about them and can approach such customers in a more personalized way, including customized email messages sent via MailChimp and phone calls or SMS. For SMS, you can use a bulk sending platform, just make sure you’re aware of the biggest SMS trends before you start your campaign. Individual offers and loyalty incentives can also play in hand to the companies that focus on customer retention. 

Get into Local SEO

Optimizing your website keywords for local SEO is one of the marketing strategies considered to become a success in 2021. The possibility to buy the product or get the needed service right after they order them attracts more people. Besides, the purchase from the local stores helps people feel more secure. Some leads may be attracted by the opportunity to support the local business in difficult times. Whatever the reason, a great local SEO strategy can help your business develop.

Summing Up

When analyzing the tendencies and perspectives of the marketing strategies for 2021, it becomes clear that concentration on the customer and an individual approach to sales are the two things to focus on. Although knowledge about the target audience has always been important for business, this year has brought this to the top. 

Digitalization of the market is another thing to take into account when building your marketing strategy. The future is for online sales. Explicit use of social media platforms for your brand promotion and attraction of new leads is one of the most effective and cost-saving methods for marketers in 2021. The choice of the best marketing strategy depends on many factors, such as your target audience, the sphere of activity, budget, and business goals. Of course, it’s impossible to apply all the recommendations at once. Our advice is to focus on those you are sure to complete. Hopefully, the results won’t make you wait.