Jobs can be generally categorized in terms of the level of attainment, education, and experience you’ll need to be offered them. There are entry-level jobs that most people are able to secure, and there are mid-tier ones that require you to have spent a certain period of time in an entry-level job. But the top-tier jobs can often seem out of reach, reserved for others with more experience and a higher level of education. Here’s how you can access these well-paid and well-respected positions.
Education is undoubtedly the best path to accessing the top tier of jobs on offer across the world. A degree can help you to set yourself apart from the pack while also giving you a litany of skills and experiences that you can bring to bear directly in a senior role. Whether you study for an online public administration degree or you secure your master’s in something you’ve always been interested in, a certificate of education opens doors to exciting and well-paid jobs.
Getting on to these programs can be difficult, of course. You’ll need the finances to study, even if you’re choosing the cheaper option of studying online, flexibly while you hold down a job. And you’ll need to meet entry requirements, which might mean taking school exams or an entry exam to an educational institution.

The second factor that’ll likely decide whether you’re offered a high-level job is how much experience you have. Unfortunately, there are few ways to accelerate this process, bar being selective with the types of jobs you choose to perform over the course of your career. The more senior the role, and the more responsibilities you handled in it, the more you’ll seem experienced in hiring professionals.
So the tip here is to not waste time in roles that are no longer teaching you something. Be prepared to make multiple leaps into new careers, or new positions, in order to Gian as much experience as possible. Breadth is often seen as more important than depth when you’re starting out, so do try to learn new things from new fields as you select your future roles.
There’s a final piece of the jigsaw that can be decisive in whether you’re successful when applying for high-level jobs, and that’s who you know. While there’s more than a whiff of nepotism to being offered a role simply because you know one of the hiring managers, it’s unrealistic to imagine that this doesn’t happen across industries and sectors.
Even if you’re not leveraging personal connections to find your way into senior roles, there are other ways to make use of your contacts when you’re applying for a high-level role. One is to contact people already in the company you’re applying for, asking them for tips for your interview. Another is to call in favors with individuals who might be able to put in a good word for you – laying the ground for you to dazzle hiring managers with your education and experience.
These tips can help anyone get a high-level job in the future, even if it takes a long process of learning and working to get there.