
Curvy Tree-Nest Sculptures by Designer Charlie Baker

All images © Charlie Baker

Are you tired of the same old treetop nest? Try Charlie Baker’s Curvy Tree-Nest Sculptures for a more modern take on treetop living. With his own twist, he turns traditional treetops into something extraordinary. “I like the sense of motion the curvy pieces create because, to me, it gives a sense that the artwork is living, growing,” says Baker. The Brooklyn based designer constructs these treetop sculptures from branches and twigs that are found in nature. These one-of-a-kind treehouses are sure to please any bird lover out there!

Mr. Baker brings a background in landscape design to his work, which has influenced it. “I’m always thinking about how my creations connect with their natural environment and how they fit in with nature. It’s no different for me when it comes to my art,” he says in an interview with Colossal.

Wired recently interviewed the designer, who travels with him from his studio to the forests of Long Island, where he gathers materials. He’s currently working on a few projects, including an elaborate kitchen garden, a children’s tree platform, and smaller sculptures that you can see on his website and Instagram.