Getting an expensive look isn’t about picking the highest-priced item off the shelf. Sometimes it’s about being clever with your look and picking items that look timeless and well-made. Being savvy about where you purchase your items from, too, can help you to make some savings.
Reserve your cash for big purchases
Despite what flex-culture might tell you, it’s far better to reserve your clothing budget for the odd special item. Don’t pile your cash into one, lavish outfit. Instead, carefully consider a statement piece, such as a heavy coat or beautifully-made pair of shoes.

Explore the internet
Your glasses are going to be one of the first features of your look that people notice when they meet you: tinted or not. If you need spectacles to see, your best bet is to choose frames that suit you down to the ground; this will have the effect of creating a look that feels carefully composed. If you prefer to go a bit more Gucci with your look, you can find designer brands online for far less money than you would pay in a physical store. You can find Calvin Klein glasses on glasses on the web and other famous brands at online glasses retailers for a far more competitive price.

Have an aesthetic
We all tend to lean towards a particular look, whether that’s one that’s tailored, sports luxe or a little bit punk. Choosing to lean into this aesthetic can help us to craft a look that feels tailored to our own unique style. Have a think about the styles you grew up loving and how you can incorporate this into your everyday look seamlessly. For example, if you want to create a look that feels tailored, then choose a few items that have a structure such as a buttoned blouse, tailored trousers or a formal jacket.

Swap shop
If you and your friends are constantly bemoaning how broke you are, then why not use this to your advantage? Have a swap shop, wherein you and your friends help each other curate each other’s wardrobes. What is one person’s trash is truly another’s a treasure, and you might find some hidden gems in each other’s closets. You can also take some style pointers from each other and even help to create an edited capsule wardrobe together.
If you take some time to find the best sewing and embroidery machine that is within your price range, there is no end to simple fixes and alterations you can make to turn thrift items into wardrobe staples.

Learn on YouTube
Back in the day, many people would have dreaded the thought of having to follow a written down knitting pattern or set of sewing instructions, but the worldwide web has made learning far easier. For example, if you discover a second-hand dress you love, but it has seen better days, then there are plenty of YouTube tutorials to help you to make your own alterations to it.

It’s certainly possible to look like you’ve parted with some serious cash when actually, you’ve done nothing but scrimp. Just remember that thrift stores are your friend and that your budget should be investing in flattering pieces, not showy ones.