
This Is What Happens When An Architect Bakes Cake

Dinara Kasko has consumed an algorithmically-modeled cake made from eighty-one pieces, each with their unique form, for a generation that highlights Barry Callebaut’s merchandise ‘ruby chocolate’ in the ruby chocolate occasion in Shanghai. Among the biggest chocolate producers in the world, Callebaut encouraged four pastry chefs, for example, Kasko, to Shanghai to exhibit the chocolate in a signature creation.

Kasko’s layout was inspired by the works of celebrity and paper engineering, Matthew Shlian. Using the picture algorithm editor ‘grasshopper,’ a mould was made by taking the conventional pyramid and carefully altering the tip of the article. The angled kinds worked together to make an overall dynamic shape, but the chef’s creativity could also be found inside every one of the cake pieces. The berry confit in the middle of every slice highlighted the berry taste of the chocolate and had been complimented by a biscuit below.

More info: Dinara Kasko