
Artists Around the World Pay Tribute to the Legendary Carrie Fisher

The year 2016 has seen many legends lost, and we’re left mourning their passing while celebrating their legacy. Earlier than the finish of this tumultuous journey across the Sun, we lost another incredible people: Carrie Fisher. Greatest known for playing Princess Leia in the Star Wars cinema franchise, the actor, creator, and mental health advocate died 60 years young on Dec 27 after suffering a heart attack.

For a lot of people, Princess Leia was their first introduction to Fisher’s fearlessness and wit—traits that translated into her off-screen life. She was fast to dot out double requirements girls confronted in Hollywood, spoke openly about her struggles with mental sickness, and empowered her followers to stand up for themselves in the human face of adversity. Though Princess Leia might be her most memorable role, Fisher’s different contributions will keep encouraging for a very long time to come up.

As followers react to the news of Fisher’s passing, some have channeled their grief into artwork. Superb artists and illustrators have paid homage to her by way of Princess Leia, usually utilizing the enduring outfit to say their remaining goodbyes. Regard how these proficient (and clearly affected) artists have got paid tribute to the legendary Carrie Fisher.